sd(Switch Directory) is a handy bash script to switch among directories you regularly work on.
In my daily work, I often have to switch among lots of directories in shell: cd to this, cd to that... What drives me crazy is that I often forgot which directory I should cd to.
sd is born for this. It allows you store directories you regularly work on in a data file, view them once you forget which directories to cd to, and remove them if you don't need any more.
sudo ./
to install sd to your /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin
Please make sure and are in the same directory.
After installation, type sd -h
to see helping entries
Usage: sd [-option]
or: sd [-option] [arg...]
where options include:
-h show this help
-l list all dirs you've added
-s [no.] select a dir to switch to, according to seq no.
-a . add current dir
-a [dir] add absolute dir
-r [no.] remove absolute dir, according to seq no.
-ri remove invalid dirs
-R remove all dirs