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HydraFW Trigger guide

Benjamin Vernoux edited this page Sep 7, 2020 · 6 revisions

HydraFW Trigger

This guide is updated towards firmware release HydraFW v0.9 Beta

The trigger command allows the Hydrabus to be used as an external trigger (For an oscilloscope for instance).

When started, the trigger will continuously read data on the current protocol. If the data set by the filter is matched, it will output a high state on the PB3 pin.

Configuration syntax

  • show Show current trigger parameters

  • filter with freeform string. Sets the trigger data

  • start to run the trigger

Configuration example

Set trigger on UART1, using "Hello world\n" :

uart1> trigger filter "Hello world\x0a"
Current trigger data :
48 65 6C 6C 6F 20 77 6F  72 6C 64 0A              |  Hello world. 
uart1> trigger show
Current trigger data :
48 65 6C 6C 6F 20 77 6F  72 6C 64 0A              |  Hello world. 
uart1> trigger start


The following modes are supported :

  • spi
  • i2c
  • 1-wire
  • 2-wire
  • 3-wire
  • uart
  • lin

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