This is a network of Urban Terror servers associating players through Discord thanks to a simple java bot.
From this discord server you can:
- play competitive matchmaking in any team-based game type,
- challenge other users in individual modes such as GunGame, LMS or KnockOut matches :resurgence:,
- improve your skills with the SkeetShoot and AimTraining modes both with record tracking :resurgence:,
- request a game server for a few hours for your personal use.
- !add
- !remove
- !maps displays the map list for each gametype.
- !map
- !status to get information on the queues.
- !help
- !surrender to abandon your match.
- !live sends info on the live matches.
- !pick <1/2>
- !votes to get the current votes.
- !register
- !country See:`
- !elo </@DiscordUser|urtauth/>
- !stats </@DiscordUser|urtauth/>
- !top10 displays the top 10 players
- !topcountries ordered by average ELO
- !topwin: players with the best win ratio
- !topkdr: players with the best KDR
- !match
- !last </@DiscordUser|urtauth/>
- !lock to prevent commands from PUBLIC channel.
- !unlock
- !reset <all/cur/type/id>
- !reboot
- !getdata
- !enablemap <ut4_map>
- !disablemap <ut4_map>
- !rcon
- !forceadd </@DiscordUser|urtauth/>
- !enablegametype
- !disablegametype
- !showgameconfig
- !ban (duration=1y1M1w1d1h1m1s)
- !unban
- !baninfo </@DiscordUser|urtauth/>
- !showservers
- !addserver ip:port
- !enableserver
- !disableserver
- !updateserver
- !showmatches displays the queues AND live matches
- !unregister
- !country
- !addchannel <#name> <public/admin>
- !removechannel <#name> <public/admin>
- !addrole <@role> <admin/superadmin>
- !removerole <@role> <admin/superadmin>