Github Action CI with Self Host Runner (Azure VM)
# JOB-01: Applicaion Test, Docker Build and Run (In Local)
1. Checkout Repository
2-1. Setup Python
2-2. Install Requirements Package and PyTest
3-1. Azure Login
3-2. Upload PyTest Result to Blob (AzureCLI)
3-3. Upload PyTest Result to GithubActions
3-4. Download File From Blob (AzureCLI)
4-1. Set up Docker Buildx
4-2. Docker build (Local)
5. Docker Run (bind mount)
6-1. Curl Test (Container)
6-2. Upload Curl Test Result to Blob (AzureCLI)
# JOB-02: PUSH ACR (If Approve)
1. Azure Login
2. Login to ACR (VM Identity) & Push Image to ACR
3. Stop and Remove Container, Image
# JOB-03: Run on GPU Runner - PULL And Run Container (If Approve)
1. Azure Login
2. Download File From Blob (AzureCLI)
3. Login to ACR & Run Container (Image from ACR)
4. Curl Test (Container)
5. Upload Test Result to Blob (AzureCLI)
6. Stop and Remove Container, Image
- Github Action의 Self hosted Runner로 사용 (2대)
- Virtual Machine의 System Assigned Identity를 활성화 (Workflow에서 Azure 접근시 인증/인가 용도로 사용)
System Assigned Identity Rquired RBAC
Role: Storage Blob Data Contributor | Scope: StorageAccount
Role: AcrPull, AcrPush | Scope: Azure Container Registry
- File Up/Download 절차를 위해 Blob Container 사전 생성 필요
- Private Endpoints 사용
- 빌드된 이미지 저장목적
- Private Endpoints 사용 Premium SKU 사용 필요
Step 01. Download Install Files
# Create a folder
mkdir actions-runner && cd actions-runner
# Download the latest runner package
curl -o actions-runner-linux-x64-2.321.0.tar.gz -L
# Optional: Validate the hash
echo "ba46ba7ce3a4d7236b16fbe44419fb453bc08f866b24f04d549ec89f1722a29e actions-runner-linux-x64-2.321.0.tar.gz" | shasum -a 256 -c
# Extract the installer
tar xzf ./actions-runner-linux-x64-2.321.0.tar.gz
Step 02. Configure Runner
# Create the runner and start the configuration experience
./ --url --token <YOURTOKEN>
# Enter Custom Lable
설정 절차 진행 중 사용자 지정 Label 입력하여 추후 Worklfow 실행시 Runner 선택을 위한 Input 변수로 사용
Step 03. Enroll Service Daemon
# Enroll Systemd Service
sudo ./ install
# Start Service
sudo ./ start
# Option: Check Service Status
sudo ./ status
(ETC) Runner & Job Log
actions-runner/_diag/ # Action's Home Directory
├── Runner_20241204-085156-utc.log # Runner Application log
├── Worker_20241204-095211-utc.log # Job Running log
Install docker engine (Ubuntu)
{ "log-driver": "json-file", "log-opts": { "max-size": "10m", "max-file": "3" } }
docker system prune -a
VM Identity로 StorageAccount / ACR 로그인
azure/login@v2 플러그인으로 azure 로그인
auth-type: IDENTITY
Inline-Shell 로 StorageAccount / ACR 로그인
az storage blob upload
az acr login
Workflow Input으로 Runner의 Label 선택하여 Job을 실행할 Runner 선택
on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: runner-type: required: true type: choice options: - general-cpu - gpu job-01-ci: runs-on: [self-hosted, "${{ inputs.runner-type }}"]
Docker Build Cache 설정
docker/build-push-action@v6.9.0 플러그인의 로컬 캐시 옵션 사용
- uses: docker/build-push-action@v6.9.0 with: cache-from: type=local,src=${{ env.BUILDX_CACHE_DIR }} cache-to: type=local,dest=${{ env.BUILDX_CACHE_DIR }},mode=max
Docker 기타 설정
Bind Mount로 파일 마운트 및 ENV로 Filepath 설정, 이미지 태그는 github commit id
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 \ --name ${{ env.CONTAINER_NAME }} \ -v "${{ github.workspace }}/${{ env.DOWNLOAD_FILENAME }}":/home/python/${{ env.DOWNLOAD_FILENAME }} \ -e FILEPATH="/home/python/${{ env.DOWNLOAD_FILENAME }}" \ ${{ env.REGISTRY }}/${{ env.IMAGE_NAME }}:${{ github.sha }}
승인 프로세스
Github Action의 Environments 로 Job 실행 전 승인 절차 적용
job-02-push-acr: runs-on: [self-hosted, "${{ inputs.runner-type }}"] environment: need-approvals needs: job-01-ci if: success()
Security 유의사항
퍼블릭 저장소에서 Self Host Runner 사용시 보안 위험성 주의의
PR 트리거 사용할 경우 외부인이 PR 시 Action Pipe 실행 하게되는 위험 존재