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Simplify.Mail Documentation

Provides IMailSender interface and MailSender implementation for simple e-mail sending.

Available at NuGet as binary package

Quick Start Usage

MailSender.Default ambient context provides default mail sender.

By default it initializes from App.config or Web.config file with three required settings:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

		<section name="MailSenderSettings" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler, System, Version=1.0.5000.0,Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />

		<add key="SmtpServerAddress" value="server name or ip address"/>
		<add key="SmtpUserName" value="user name"/>
		<add key="SmtpUserPassword" value="user password"/>

Simple mail sending example

MailSender.Default.Send("", "", "Mail subject!", "Mail message, can be full HTML page");

Anti-Spam filter

Mail sender includes anti-spam message pool, which is ON by default and default pool message life time is 120 min. Whenever message is sending via MailSender, it's body will be added to anti-spam pool. At the next time, when another message with the same body is sent in next 120 minutes after first message is sent then the message will not be sent. It is useful, for example, if you have some windows service, which is doing some processing every minute and so on, and it is started to throwing same exceptions every minute, then the MailSender will prevent it from spamming. Anti-spam pool can be turned off via configuration.

You can specify body for anti-spam pool checking separately from mail message body. For example, if you have some "current time" information in your body, which will be changing every time message sends, and anyway your want to use anti-spam pool, then you can provide that message body without time information as separated parameter, for example:

var message = "Some problem was happened at: ";
MailSender.Default.Send("", "", "Some problem was happened at: ", message + DateTime.Now, message);

Multiple recepients, carbon copy recipients and attachements

MailSender.Default.Send("", new List<string> { "", "" }, new List<string> { "", "" },
				"Mail subject!", "Mail message, can be full HTML page", null,
				new Attachment(ms, "Attachement title.xls", "application/"));

Send message to recipients separately

MailSender.Default.SendSeparately("", new List<string> { "", "" }, "Mail subject!", "Mail message, can be full HTML page");

Custom/Manual initialization

Specifying settings section in config file

MailSender(string configurationSectionName = "MailSenderSettings")

Passing custom parameters

MailSender(string smtpServerAddress, int smtpServerPortNumber, string smtpUserName, string smtpUserPassword,
    bool enableSsl = false, bool antiSpamMessagesPoolOn = true, int antiSpamPoolMessageLifeTime = 125)

Passing 'IMailSenderSettings' with any implementation

MailSender(IMailSenderSettings mailSenderSettings)

Instantiating with the Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration IConfiguration implementation with ability to specify settings section name

public MailSender(IConfiguration configuration, string configurationSectionName = "MailSenderSettings")

IConfiguration settings based on appsettings.json example:

        "SmtpServerAddress": "server name or ip address",
        "SmtpUserName": "user name",
        "SmtpUserPassword": "user password"

All available options example

<?xml version="1.0"?>

      <section name="MailSenderSettings" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler, System, Version=1.0.5000.0,Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />

        <add key="SmtpServerAddress" value="server name or ip address"/>
        <add key="SmtpUserName" value="user name"/>
        <add key="SmtpUserPassword" value="user password"/>

        <!-- Setting SMTP server port address, default value is 25 -->
        <add key="SmtpServerPortNumber" value="25"/>

        <!-- Turn on and off anti-spam message pool, by default pool is on -->
        <add key="AntiSpamMessagesPoolOn" value="true"/>

        <!-- Setting anti-spam pool message life time (min), default value is 120 -->
        <add key="AntiSpamPoolMessageLifeTime" value="120"/>

        <!-- Enables SSL for connection (default value is: false) -->
        <add key="EnableSsl" value="true"/>