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Initialize the manifest

repo init -u -b thorvald-melodic

ROS Installation

Click here

If you have uninstalled dependencies run in your workspace:

$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro melodic -y -r

Prepare Thorvald /opt sources

curl -s | sudo apt-key add - 
sudo apt-add-repository
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-thorvald 
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-thorvald-simulator
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-thorvald-example-robots
# dependencies
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-tf2-sensor-msgs
sudo apt-get install geographiclib-tools 
sudo apt-get install libgeographic-dev
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-pointcloud-to-laserscan
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-bacchus-gazebo

Fix repo python fail for Ubuntu 18.xx

if you previously have installed repo via apt-get or snap run

sudo apt-get purge repo
sudo snap remove git-repo

Now install the legacy repo script

mkdir ~/bin
curl > ~/bin/repo
sudo chmod 777 ~/bin/repo
echo "export PATH=\$PATH:\$HOME/bin" >> ~/.bashrc

Now use repo init as it is, via your workspace


Do this ->

Runtime Script Instructions

Open runtime

Run ./

1. Basic Teleopereation

  1. Select Option 1.

  2. Open the Joystick; Hold down the home (middle) button

  3. Use Joystick to operate Thorvald

2. [SIM]

3. [SIM]

4. Planner goal via RViz with obstacle avoidance

  1. Open the switch at the right-back of the robot

  2. Make sure the LIDAR sensor is running

  3. Select Option 4.

  4. Wait for RVIZ to open

  5. Give goal via the RVIZ

  6. The robot will start moving towards the goal and avoiding obstacles

    NOTE: If the goal given is inside an obstacle, the planner will fail

5. HRI (Human Robot Interaction) demo


  1. Open the switch at the right-back of the robot
  2. Turn on the Jetson CPU by holding its 1st button until the lights turn on
  3. Wait a few seconds for the Jetson to fully turn on

Starting HRI

  1. Turn off the Wi-Fi
  2. Go to Wired Connection: Connect to thorvald_lan

    If connection fails, make sure the modem is running

  3. Select Option 5.
  4. 3 new terminals will open. 2 of them waiting for a password
  5. Insert the password in both terminals

    password: ibo@certh

    The 2 terminals are now connected to the Jetson CPU through SSH

  6. 1st terminal: Run ./zed_init/
  7. Wait until Staring Object Detection comes up
  8. 2nd terminal: Run roslaunch ros_human_robot_interaction enable_interaction.launch

Using HRI Gestures

  1. Lock-Person: Left Hand up - Armpit-Elbow ~45-45 degrees ( \ / )
  2. Follow-Person: Left Hand Straight Up ( | )
  3. Unfollow-Person: Right Hand Straight Up ( | )
  4. Unlock-Person: Right Hand up - Armpit-Elbow ~45-45 degrees ( \ / )

    NOTE 1: If locked person walks out of the camera range, the robot locks into place and the person is lost

    NOTE 2: UNLOCK requires UNFOLLOW first

    NOTE 3: Obstacle avoidance is disabled

6. FMIS Tracks demo

  1. Open the switch at the right-back of the robot

  2. Make sure the LIDAR sensor is running

  3. Select Option 6.

  4. Wait for RVIZ to open

  5. Give goal via the RVIZ

    If the goal is outside the global costmap, the planner will fail

  6. The robot will start following the pre-determined path shown in RVIZ

  7. Obstacle avoidance is enabled


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Contributors 4
