Light, convenient, and qualified guidance prompts.
- Simple.
Simple code, simple use, simple configuration.
- No calculation.
No calculation required (calculation of relative position, etc.)
- Decorationable.
Can be used as a decorative view, no event in response. (hitTest:) always return nil.
- Global.
Global style configure, global instance by identifier, global dismiss all marker instance.
- Strong guidance.
Only respond event on tap marker range.
Needs to set options: [.strongGuidance]
Default is weak guidance: tap anywhere to respond event(show next).
is a structure used to describe how Marker
// Marked view
marker: UIView?,
// `String` or `NSAttributedString`
intro: Any?,
styles: [Marker.Info.Style] = [],
options: [Options] = [],
// Completed this time
completion: CompletionBlock? = nil
styles: [Marker.Info.Style]: [
case hideArrow
/// font of intro text
case font(UIFont)
/// text color of intro text
case textColor(UIColor)
case backgroundColor(Color)
case arrowPosition(ArrowPosition)
case dimFrame(CGRect)
case highlightRangeExpande(CGFloat)
case timeout(TimeInterval)
/// max width of intro text
case maxWidth(CGFloat)
/// corner style of highlight range
case cornerStyle(CornerStyle)
/// horizontal alignment
case hAlignment(HAlignment)
/// vertical alignment
case vAlignment(VAlignment)
/// Spacing between triangle arrow and highlighted view.
/// Default value see `Marker.default.spacing`.
case spacing(CGFloat)
options: [Options]: [
// Strong guidance. It means that only tap on the highlighted range will respond.
// Default is weak guidance: tap anywhere to continue(next).
// Will not repond any tap events.
// ⚠️ Need to be used with `strongGuidance`.
// It means that only display on view, no event repond.
// It will set dimFrame to `.zero`.
, see Marker+Appearence.swift
Can configure: maxWidth
, color
, spacing
, padding
, textFont
, textColor
, showArrow
let info = Marker.Info(
marker: settingsButton,
intro: "Tap here enter to settings.",
styles: [
options: [.decoration],
completion: { (markerInstance: Marker, isTriggerByUser: Bool) in
print("marker of enter settings dismiss with user: \(isTriggerByUser)")
let profile = Marker.Info(
marker: profileButton,
intro: "Tap here to edit your profile."
on: self.view,
completion: { (markerInstance: Marker, isTriggerByUser: Bool) in
print("marker of enter to settings and profile are all of dismiss")
Describe intro
horizontal alignment.
public enum HAlignment {
/// `Default` if available.
case center
case left
case right
Marker.Info(... styles: [.hAlignment(Marker.Info.HAlignment)])
Describe intro
vertical alignment.
public enum VAlignment {
/// `Default`.
case auto
/// Above the highlighted view.
case top
/// Below the highlighted view.
case bottom
Marker.Info(... styles: [.vAlignment(Marker.Info.VAlignment)])
Only respond event(show next) on tap highlight range.
Marker.Info(... options: [.strongGuidance])
Pass event to next hitTest view on tap highlight range.
Marker.Info(... options: [.strongGuidance, .eventPenetration])
// show
Marker(info, identifier: "settings-marked").show(on: self.view)
// Dismiss specify marker
Marker.instance(from: "settings-marked")?.dismiss()
// Dismiss all marker
Marker.dismiss(triggerByUser: <#Bool#>)
.package(url: "", from: "3.0.0")