Runs yolov10 with Python and connects to the DLang with the socket module and passes the data to the D program.
from ultralytics import YOLOv10
import supervision as sv
import cv2
import socket
import pickle
pip install supervision
pip install ultralytics
pip install opencv-python
import std.stdio;
import std.socket;
import std.array;
1. Download any yolov10 pt from the link below and put it in the same folder as your project folder.
3. Then copy the name of the pt you downloaded and paste it to 'YOUR YOLOV10 PT' part of python code.
3. Make sure you have any D compiler like dmd.
4. Open your D command prompt and cd to your project path.
5. Run the python code first then run the D code with "dub run" command in your D command prompt.
dub run
6. If everything goes right you should have seen the output.
This error occurs when you try to make a memory allocation in the D language and there is not enough memory available.. Ensure that your camera is turned on and yolov10 is running.