admin-side is a powerful Node.js module that allows you to easily build your web admin panel.
- Object-oriented
- Useful for websites & large projects where it makes managing data easier & faster
- Performant
- Easy to use
- Bootstrap 5.3.0 style
If you like this project, please consider supporting it by donating. This will help me to continue working on this project and keep it up to date.
npm install admin-side
define a modules and craete a new form
const { Form, Page } = require('admin-side');
const app = require('express')();
const form = new Form()
.setRequest({ path: '/admin/signup', method: "post" })
// will set the form action to /admin/signup and the method to post
.addField({ id: "name", label: "name", type: "text" })
// will add a text input with the id name and the label name
.setSubmitButton({ label: "Sign Up", color: "outline-success" })
// will add a submit button with the label Sign Up and the color outline-success
render the form and send it to the client
app.get('/admin/signup', async (req, res) => {
res.send((await form.render()).html)
© admin-side, 2023 | AbdulRahman ( MIT License