- Datasets:- Case_Study1,Case_Study2
- Feature Description :-Features_Target_Description.xlsx
- Jupyter Notebook :-
This project aims to develop a predictive model to classify prospective customers based on their likelihood of getting approved for credit. The analysis involves data processing, feature selection, model building, and hyperparameter tuning using machine learning techniques. The primary models used in this project include Random Forest, Decision Tree, and XGBoost classifiers.
Two datasets are imported from Google Sheets using the following URLs:
These datasets are merged on the PROSPECTID
column to create a comprehensive dataset for analysis.
Columns with a high percentage of missing values are removed. Specifically, columns where more than 10,000 entries are missing are excluded from the dataset.
The datasets are merged on the PROSPECTID
column to form a unified dataset. This merged dataset is then used for further analysis.
Categorical columns are identified, and a chi-square test is performed to assess their relationship with the target variable (Approved_Flag
). For numerical columns, the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) is calculated to check for multicollinearity. Columns with a VIF greater than 6 are iteratively removed. ANOVA tests are conducted to select significant numerical features.
The final set of features includes both the numerical columns that passed the VIF and ANOVA tests and the categorical columns.
- Label Encoding: The
column is label-encoded based on specific ordinal values. - One-Hot Encoding: Categorical columns such as
, andfirst_prod_enq2
are one-hot encoded.
The dataset is split into training and testing sets with an 80-20 ratio using train_test_split
from scikit-learn.
A Random Forest model is trained using 200 estimators. The model's performance is evaluated using accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score metrics.
A Decision Tree model is trained with a maximum depth of 20 and a minimum sample split of 10. Similar metrics are used for evaluation.
An XGBoost model is trained with initial parameters. The target variable (Approved_Flag
) is label-encoded before training.
Hyperparameter tuning for the XGBoost model is conducted using a grid search. The parameter grid includes various values for n_estimators
, max_depth
, learning_rate
, colsample_bytree
, and alpha
. The best parameters are determined using cross-validation, and the model's performance is evaluated on the test set.
The best model achieved an accuracy of approximately 75% on the test set. Detailed metrics for precision, recall, and F1 score for each class are documented in the Results.xlsx