The player will see a map of Europe without Streets + Cities (Only Country-borders). Its mission is to find the right location to the city name on this map. After placing the needle pin, the game will show you the right location of the city and the difference of your needle pin and the city in kilometers. If it is in around 50km of the city, the selection will be defined as "correct".
In the beginning, the player has a predetermined score of 1500 that symbolizes kilometers. At each round the difference between position of the city and your needle pin are reducing your score.
The game ends when no kilometers are left. The high score is the amount of cities you have found.
- Using React 16.13.1
- Responsive implementation on desktop and mobile browsers
- Using Hooks for state management
- Using Local Storage to store the high score
- Chrome Version 91.0.4472.124 (Official Build) (64-bit)
- Microsoft Edge Version 91.0.864.64 (Official build) (64-bit)
- Safari 14.1 macOS 10.14
- Galaxy S5 360x640 (Vertical & Horizontal)
- iPhone 5/SE 320x568 (Vertical & Horizontal)
- iPhone 6/7/8 Plus 375x667 (Vertical & Horizontal)
- iPhone X 375x667 (Vertical & Horizontal)
- iPad/ iPad Pro 768x1024/ 1024x1366
- iPad 2