A django app for download, display and mp3-serving of ORF (Austrian public brodcaster) Ö1 (radio station) programs.
Ö1 radio is a radio station in Austria, see http://oe1.orf.at/ . They have a 7 day archive for listening to past programs. We download the programs (usually once a day) to build an archive which goes back further in time.
We store the metadata in a Postgres database using django and the downloaded mp3 files in a data storage directory.
A django webui allows to choose a day an displays the programs of this day including mp3 download links. It requires a login in the django project.
- you need a working django project with user authentication
- pip install requests
- copy directory orf_archive to your django project root
- include orf_archive/urls.py from the project's urls.py
- create a login (username/password) in your django project (any login will have access to the orf_archive)
- add a cronjob or systemd.timer to your system which calls orf_archive/oe1_download/cronjob.sh once a day
It should run with python >= 3.4 (tested with 3.5).
Main repository: https://gitea.cosmopool.net/ibu/orf_archive Alternative repo: https://github.com/iburadempa/orf_archive