Apache Camel is an Open Source integration framework that empowers you to quickly and easily integrate various systems consuming or producing data.
https://camel.apache.org/The IC4J Camel component allows native execution of Internet Computer smart contracts from Apache Camel.
To add Java IC4J Apache Camel Internet Computer Component library to your Java project use Maven or Gradle import from Maven Central.
implementation 'org.ic4j:ic4j-camel:0.7.0'
To install IC4J Camel component to Apache Karavan Visual Studio Code plug-in add
to .vscode/extensions/camel-karavan.karavan-4.60.0/components/components.properties file
and content of src/ic.json file to .vscode/extensions/camel-karavan.karavan-4.60.0/components/components.json file.
To enable the loading of IC4J libraries, you should move the src/application.properties file to the root of your project.
You need JDK 17+ to build IC4J Apache Camel Internet Computer Component.