After writing the framework I have a better understanding of rust ownership. Next time: I would cut out the request context struct and just pass ownership of the request and response objects between functions, including user route functions. Not that the design is bad, but it feels a little awkward as a developer to need to clone a request, modify it and the set it again on the ctx.
What I actually mean is internally it is awkward, for the end user it is not so bad as generally they will be constructing a new Response
instance and not modifying the request.
flowchart LR
Client <---> TcpListener
TcpListener <---> ConnectionStream
ConnectionStream <---> RouteHandling
Connection ->> Context: instantiate
activate Context
Context ->> RawMiddleware: Call
RawMiddleware ->> Context:
Context ->> Middleware: Call
Middleware ->> Context:
Context ->> RouteMatcher: get route
RouteMatcher ->> Context:
Context ->> RouteMiddleware: Call
RouteMiddleware ->> Context:
Context ->> RouteFunc: get resulte
RouteFunc ->> Context:
Context ->> Connection: write
deactivate Context
Implementation Order:
- Define traits
- Define default request / responses
- Define default route
- Define request parsing
- define route matching
flowchart LR
ConnectionStream -- bytes --> RawMiddleware
RawMiddleware -- bytes --> Ser/DeSer
Ser/DeSer -- RequestObject --> Middleware
Middleware -- RequestObject --> RouteMatcher
RouteMatcher -- RequestObject --> Func
Func -- ResponseObject --> Middleware
Middleware -- ResponseObject --> Ser/DeSer
Ser/DeSer -- bytes --> RawMiddleware
RawMiddleware -- bytes --> ConnectionStream
- do something with the raw data after reading from the tcp socket
- do something with the raw data before writing to the tcp socket
Use cases:
- metrics e.g. num bytes
class RawMiddleware{
-bytes request_bytes
-bytes response_bytes
+request(bytes) bytes
+response(bytes) bytes
class RequestMiddleware{
-Request request
-Response response
+request(&mut request)
+response(&request, &mut response)
class Route{
-String path
-RequestMiddleware[] middleware
-Func handler
-Method[] methods
class Request{
-Method method
-Vec~TupleString~ path_params
-Vec~TupleString~ query_params
-Vec~TupleString~ headers
-Option~bytes~ body
+get_method() Method
+get_path() String
+get_path_param(str) Option~String~
+get_query_param(str) Option~String~
+get_header(String) Option~String~
+get_body() Option~bytes~
class Response{
-u8 status_code
-Vec~StringTuple~ headers
-bytes body
+set_header(String, String)
class RequestContext{
-mut impl Request request
-mut impl Response response
+get_mut_request() &mut Request
+get_request() &Request
+get_mut_response() &mut Response
- do something with a request object before calling route function
- do something with a response object before sending writing to tcp socket
Use cases:
- Add authentication data to the request
- Transform RequestObject into a custom type
- ErrorHandling
same as request middle ware but registered per route
Registering middleware for a group of routes
Encapsulate all data for the requests lifecycle
- request object
- response object
- connection metadata
- metrics
Message parsing
http lib
server / application lib