OpenRocket simulations version control
.ork files MUST be unzipped to merge
ART's first rocket flight!
G-Class motor, test-bed for APEX components.
- Sunday 11th April 2021; 546m apogee. RUD upon landing
- Sunday 13th June 2021; 523m apogee. Mostly successful
ART's first record attempt
I-class motor; apogee ~2850m (record: 2804m)
- Sunday 29th August 2021; Scrubbed. Avionics failure
- Rescheduling soon...
ART's even higher record attempt
L-class motor, apogee ~ 5890m (record: 5716m)
Unchanged OpenRocket files of rockets that have flown.
- ASTRA 11.04.2021 (RUD upon landing)
- ASTRA 13.06.2021 (File may be inaccurate)
- APEX 29.08.2021 (Scrubbed)
Selection of APEX .ork files, used when optimising fin planform
Old, disorganised .ork files