Lit Functional Components aims to provide a simple wrapper around Lit components, offering a streamlined development experience without introducing every React-like syntax and feature.
yarn add lit-functions
npm install lit-functions
The useProp
function is similar to useState
in React. In Lit, properties and attributes are used, eliminating the need for a separate useState
. Instead, define Lit properties, and whenever a property changes, the component re-renders. The type of the properties is inferred from the type argument.
If you would like to react on property change, you can either use updated
or usePropChanged
hook. It's very similar to useEffect
, you should provide a callback and the list of dependencies in string format.
The component function creates a custom web component, with the name generated from the function name.
import { html, css } from "lit";
import litLogo from './assets/lit.svg'
import viteLogo from '/vite.svg'
import component, { Props } from "../../src";
const style = css``
function myElement({ useProp, usePropChanged }: Props) {
const [count, setCount] = useProp('count', {type: Number}, 0);
const [docs, _] = useProp('docs', {type: String}, 'This is some test docs');
usePropChanged(() => { console.log('count value changed')}, ['count']);
return html`
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src=${viteLogo} class="logo" alt="Vite logo" />
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src=${litLogo} class="logo lit" alt="Lit logo" />
<div class="card">
<button part="button" @click="${() => setCount(count + 1)}">
count is ${count}
<p class="read-the-docs">${docs}</p>
component(myElement, [style]);
These functions correspond to connectedCallback and disconnectedCallback, respectively, and are high-order functions.
function myElement({onMount, onUnMount}: Props) {
onMount(() => {
onUnMount(() => {
The method names remain the same for clarity.
function myElement({updated, attributeChangedCallback}: Props) {
updated((changedProperties: PropertyValues) => {
console.log('updated props', changedProperties);
If you need direct access to the Lit instance, use the meta
function myElement({meta}: { meta: LitElement }) {}
Manage events with dispatchEvent
from the props
, which dispatches an event on the current Lit element.
import { html, css } from "lit";
import litLogo from './assets/lit.svg'
import viteLogo from '/vite.svg'
import component, { Props } from "../../src";
const style = css``
function myElement({dispatchEvent}: Props) {
function dispatchMyCustomEvent() {
dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('foo-event', { detail: { foo: 'foo' }}));
return html`
<button part="button" @click="${() => dispatchMyCustomEvent()}">
dispatch an event
component(myElement, [style]);
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