A library to process ASDFDataSet(s) from pyasdf.
pip install asdfy
from asdfy import ASDFProcessor
ASDFProcessor('input.h5', 'output.h5', process_func).run()
TBD. Refer to tests/main.py
for now. To run tests:
cd tests
mpi4un -n 4 python main.py
Union[str, Iterable[str]]
Path to input ASDFDataSet(s)
Path to output ASDFDataSet
Callable[..., ASDFOutput]
Processing function, each argument correspond to an input dataset.
Literal['stream', 'trace', 'auxiliary', 'auxiliary_group'] = 'trace'
Type of input data
Optional[str] = None
Input waveform tag or auxiliary group, None for using the first available
Optional[str] = None
Output waveform tag or auxiliary group, None for using input_tag or input_type
bool = False
Pass the origional accessor to the processing function. Set to .True. if you need event or station info.
Optional[Callable[[Exception], None]] = None
Callback when error occurs