For more about the SOFIA project and the theoretical background, you may want to read Gerrit Niezen's PhD thesis:
It is important to get this version of Eclipse, because we need its support on OSGi and certain plugins for OSGi.
Eclipse 32/64 bit version should match your JRE.
ToDo Try out the newer versions of Eclipse.
In eclipse,
- Help->Install New Software
- Work with: -> (Helios.. from dropdown menu)
- type filter text -> git
- Select Eclipse EGit
If Android devices are going to be used, install Android SDK. Follow the instructions at, download the SDK, install it, including the Platforms and Packages, and the Eclipse Plugin.
You may try to grab SOFIA ADK from the SOFIA ADK git and TUeSIB from Gerrit Niezen's personal git. It is easier to grab everything from the iddi/sofia git, since the packages maintained on this git are tested to be compatible with each other.
In eclipse,
- File -> Import
- Select Git -> Projects from Git, Next
- Clone ... -> URI:, Next, select "master", Next, Finish
- After it is done, Import Projects from Git again, select "sofia", Next
- Select "Import Existing Projects", Next
- "Select All" the projects, Finish
If ontologies need to be edited, TopBraid Composer might be handy:
These steps might not be necessary if everything mentioned below is checked.
- Eclipse -> Window -> Preferences -> Plug-in Development -> Target Platform, check "Running Platform", Edit,
- Content -> Select ... (make sure everything below is checked)
- javax.servlet
- javax.xml
- org.eclipse.osgi
- org.eclipse.osgi.util
- org.eclipse.core.runtime
- Run -> Run configuration -> Check unchecked bundles
eu.sofia.sib.osgi -> Run.. -> OSGi Framework
just to get some help on the commands:
osgi> sspace
create sib
osgi> sspace create -sib -name=test
create the gateway
osgi> sspace create -gw -name=testgw -type=TCP/IP -idSib=1
start the services
osgi> sspace start -sib -id=1
osgi> sspace start -gw -id=1
To try out the above commands all together, copy and paste to osgi>
command line:
sspace create -sib -name=test
sspace create -gw -name=testgw -type=TCP/IP -idSib=1
sspace start -sib -id=1
sspace start -gw -id=1
Download installer from:
It would be convenient if the python command can be accessed from the command line. Add python path to Windows %PATH%.
For running certain KPs you will need the serial and iso8601 python modules. To install modules into your python installation, it's best to use a package manager, e.g. setuptools from
To install a module for python, just execute the easy_install.exe followed by the module name you would like to install:
easy_install iso8601
easy_install pyserial
easy_install datetime
To edit/run python code within Eclipse, pydev might be handy:
You may try to download the Smart-M3 Python KPI from SourceForge. However it is recommended to use the KPI already included in the iddi/sofia git.
From the command line:
cd <your local git>\sofia\smart-m3_pythonKP-0.9.6
python install
SSLS is a utility for viewing, monitoring and manipulating the contents of Smart-M3 ( store as well as executing smodels rules over the contents of the store.Enables modification of store by external programs.
Use the SSLS from the iddi/sofia git. or you may try to get it from SourceForge.
To edit directly .ssls and .sslslogin in Eclipse, In the package explorer, in the upper right corner of the view, there is a little down arrow. Tool tip will say view menu. Click that, Select Filters. uncheck .* resources. So Package Explorer -> View Menu -> Filters -> uncheck .* resources. Or you may go to the directory \ssls-Sept-05-11, edit these two files using any editor you like.
Execute in the same directory...
cd <your local git>\sofia\ssls-Sep-05-11
use "help" to get help
use "ls" to list triples, e.g. use
ls *,*,sofia:SmartObject
to see all the smart objects
download the semantic connections KP stuff from:
In the file change line 12
smartSpace = ('', (TCPConnector, ('', )))
with your specifics.
In the file "" change the line
lightPort = serial.Serial("COM3:",115200)
with the serial port of the light Bluetooth device (ArduinoBT). On Windows this is probably COMn:
(DON'T FORGET THE : !!), and on Mac this is something like /dev/tty/<???>
In the file "" change the line
ser = serial.Serial('COM5:',115200)
with the serial port of the FireFly device. On Windows this is probably COMn:
(DON'T FORGET THE : !!), and on Mac this is something like /dev/tty.FireFly-451A-SPP
- Logitech Media Server
To install the Logitech Media Server go to:
- Android app:
- Check: all external jars should be in the libs (not lib!).
- SIB IP/Port/Sib name need to be changed in
For the scenario 'wake up experience', the following KPs should be on:
- ConnectorKP
- LightKP
- AndroidKP
- SqueezeboxKP
- WakeupKP
Things still need to be checked:
- Preview event still not working;
- LightKP still having problem reaction to the events from SIB - it ould be because of a slow SIB; try to run SIB on a faster computer. The subscription process does not seem to work well -- it could be the pyserial not working well on Windows -- may try to run it on Linux.