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Tiago Silva edited this page Oct 20, 2020 · 2 revisions


When you previously used a for cycle, you would write for i in range(5) to iterate the numbers 0 through 4. This is because the in keyword allows you to cycle through all elements of a data structure. For example, if you cast the previous range object, you would obtain the following list:

print(list(range(0, 5)))
# [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

As such, you can see that Python's for loop behaves more like a for each rather than a traditional for loop.

The 'in' keyword

This allows you to iterate through any object that is classified as an Iterable, such as lists, tuples, dictionaries, sets, strings and file objects if used, for example, in a for loop. You can even iterate through an Iterable object of another iterator:

alist = ["One", "Two"]
for item in alist:
    for letter in item:
        print(letter, end=' ')
# O n e
# T w o

It also allows you to check for the existance of an element in a data structure:

# Checking for elements in a dictionary
adict = {"Tiago": 19, "Costa": 18, "Lucas": 21}
print("Is Lucas in adict:", "Lucas" in adict) # True
print("Is Fábio in adict:", "Fábio" in adict) # False
print("Is there anyone 21 years old:", 21 in adict.values()) # True
print("Is there anyone 39 years old:", 39 in adict.values()) # False

This method of iteration even works with other modules data structures, such as pandas' Dataframes or numpy's Arrays.

Quick Recap:

  • Iterable: An object you can loop over.

  • Iterator: An object that represents a data stream that handles iterating over an iterable.

Iterators are lazy

A great advantage of iterators is they only do their job when it's actually needed. This is, if you would need to access only 3 out of 500 elementes of, for example, a list, python's iterable would only load the first 3 instead of loading all 500 elements automatically.

This means that you could, theoretically, deal with infinitely large data structures because the iterable would only care about an element at a time, saving both memory and CPU time.

Note: This topic will be explored further in the next chapter's Generators.

Iterators are everywhere!

There are a lot of handy functions in Python whose implementaion relies heavily on iteration, from which some of the more noticeable are:

  • reversed():
    Iterates through an iterable from the end to the beginning
alist = [1, 2, 3]
for item in reversed(alist):

# 3
# 2
# 1
  • enumerate():
    Enumerates all elements of an iterable as such:
    (0, first item); (1, second item); (2, third item)
alist = ["A", "B", "C"]
for item in enumerate(alist):

# (0, "A")
# (1, "B")
# (2, "C")
  • zip():
    Allows you to "compress" two iterables into a tuple structure, until the end of the shortest iterable.
list1 = ["Hello", "there", "General", "Kenobi"]
list2 = [1, 2]
for item in zip(list1, list2):

# ('Hello', 1)
# ('there', 2)

Note: Lambda functions will be discussed on a later chapter

Standard Itertools Module

This module brings a wide array of tools to work with iteration, we advise you to give it a read in your spare time.
Some noteworthy methods:

  • itertools.takewhile(predicate, iterable):
    Takes elements from an iterable (or generator) while predicate is true.
    Argument predicate can be a simple comparison or a lambda function, for example.

  • itertools.chain(*iterables)
    Takes various iterable objects and returns an iterator that ties all objects together (given two lists, it would return an iterator that once list1 is over, iteratres through list2).

  • itertools.cycle(iterable)
    Returns an iterator that cycles through all elements of iterable infinitely (once it reaches the end of the iterable, it goes right back to the beginning).

  • itertools.combinations(iterable, r) & itertools.permutations(iterable, r=None)
    Returns all combinations/permutations of size r from the iterable's elements.
    If r is not specified in permutations, it defaults to the size of the iterable.

  • itertools.repeat(object[, times])
    Returns the same object infinitely, or times times, if it was specified.

Under the hood

Note: This topic may be confusing for begginners of the language, but can provide an invaluable look into how Python magically handles iteration and for loops for you. Read at your own discretion.

So how does Python manage all of this on its own? Every Iterable object can be called using the built-in function iter() to return an iterator object, which representes a stream of data.

alist = [1, 2, 3, 4]
adict = {1: "a", 2: "b", 3: "c", 4: "d"}
astring = "Hello World!"

print(iter(alist))    # <list_iterator object at 0x02C02270>
print(iter(adict))    # <dict_keyiterator object at 0x02C2B8D0>
print(iter(astring))  # <str_iterator object at 0x02C02970>

Note: 0x02C02270 represents the memory address where the list_iterator object was stored during our test run.

You can advance through the data stream of an iterator by calling the built-in function next(), which returns successive items from the data stream. When all the data is read from the stream, the iterator is gone. If you were to call the function next() again, python would raise a StopIteration exception (exceptions are not covered in this workshop).
As such, in order to iterate through an object, Python requires the definition of both __iter__ and __next__ for that object.

Here's how Python iterates through any iterable under the hood (as such it cannot use a for loop, because this is its own implementaion):

def iterate(any_iterator, function_call):
    continue_iterating = True
    while continue_iterating:
            item = next(any_iterator)
        except StopIteration:
            continue_iterating = False

alist = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
iterate(iter(alist), print)

Note: The argument function_call will be discussed further in Decorators.


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