VIMStorm IDE is a VIM based distribution targeting JavaScript and Web development.
It targets:
- JavaScript development (ES5, ES6, node.js)
- CSS3 and HTML5
And contains the features you expect from a modern code editor:
- syntax highlighting
- syntax and error checking
- autocompletion
- multi cursor
- git support
- code format
- support coding conventions (editorconfig)
- jsdoc generation
- debugging (todo)
- grunt/gulp support (todo)
- all the awesomness from VIM
only tested on OSX & Ubuntu
- A modern version of VIM (I recommend using macvim)
brew install macvim --override-system-vim
apt-get install vim vim-runtime vim-gui-common
- Some tools to compile
brew install cmake python ctags
apt-get install build-essentials cmake python-dev exuberant-ctags libclang3.4-dev
- The silver_searcher
for the Ag
plugin MAC
brew install the_silver_searcher
apt-get install silversearcher-ag
- Node.js and npm
I highly suggest to use the node version manager!
curl -o- | bash && nvm install 5.1.0
- Some npm packages
npm install -g eslint csslint jshint jsonlint handlebars
git clone --recursive ~/.vim && ln -s ~/.vim/.vimrc ~/.vimrc && vim
Configurations for the vim-airline plugin:
All installed 'powerline' fonts can be found in the folder ~/.vim/install/fonts but keep in mind that these fonts are already installed on your system by the install script
iterm2 users
- Goto: iterm > preferences > profiles > text
- Change the Regular Font & Non-ASCII Font to: 12pt Inconsolata-g for Powerline (or any other font withe the suffix for Powerline)
- Restart iterm
- Start vim
Of course you can also use any other powerline font just keep in mind to change the font at the following locations
- iterm (as described above)
- ~/.vim/config/settings.vim => set guifont...
There's also a good YouTube video online.
- update docu and describe what mentioned in this post:
- add ctags + taglist / easytags
test the new search plugin