Uses the Official Online Service for Basic Data for Legal Entities
Install the latest version with
$ composer require iggi/aade-afm
Your regular Taxisnet username - password will not work. You should follow the instructions at:
require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
use Iggi\AadeAfm;
use Dotenv\Dotenv;
// Dotenv is not actually a prerequisite, but is recommended
$dotenv = Dotenv::createImmutable(dirname(__DIR__));
$username = $_ENV["AADE_USERNAME"]; // username can be obtained from
$password = $_ENV["AADE_PASSWORD"]; // password
$authorisedCallerAfm = $_ENV["AADE_AUTH"]; // optional if same with the caller's afm but if present must be authorised
$afm = $_ENV["AFM"]; // AFM to search
$api = new AadeAfm($username, $password, $authorisedCallerAfm);
// You may check the API version
// $data = $api->version();
// You may check the validity of the AFM (boolean)
// $valid = $api->validate($afm);
// You may retrieve the AFM information
$data = $api->info($afm);
echo json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
* Success
"success": true,
"business": {
"kad": "XXXXXXXXX",
"drastiriotita": "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
"afm": "XXXXXXX",
"stopDate": "XXXXXXX",
"postalAddressNo": "XXXXXXX",
"doyDescr": "XXXXXXX",
"doy": "XXXXXXX",
"onomasia": "XXXXXXX",
"legalStatusDescr": "XXXXXXX",
"registDate": "XXXXXXX",
"deactivationFlag": "XXXXXXX",
"deactivationFlagDescr": "XXXXXXX",
"postalAddress": "XXXXXXX",
"firmFlagDescr": "XXXXXXX",
"commerTitle": null,
"postalAreaDescription": "XXXXXXX",
"INiFlagDescr": ""XXXXXXX",
"postalZipCode": "XXXXXXX",
"drastiriotites": [
"type": "1",
"typeName": "ΚΥΡΙΑ",
"kad": "XXXXXXXXX",
"drastiriotita": "XXXXXXXXXXXX"
"type": "2",
"typeName": "ΔΕΥΤΕΡΕΥΟΥΣΑ",
* Error
"success": false,
"reason": "O Α.Φ.Μ. για τον οποίο ζητούνται πληροφορίες δεν ανήκει και δεν ανήκε ποτέ σε νομικό πρόσωπο, νομική οντότητα, ή φυσικό πρόσωπο με εισόδημα από επιχειρηματική δραστηριότητα.",
"isNotBusiness": true
Ignatios Drakoulas - -
AadeAfm is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details