This service is inspired by lack of food recommendations for gym enjoyers. It is very easy to get bored with same food everyday, so I am trying to create a helpful website that assists you in reaching your fitness goals!
Here are the feature that are gonna be implemented in the beginning of development:
After entetring basic information, like: weight goals, training intensity and more, user receives insights on daily calorie intake and micronutrients for the day (protein, carbs, fats).
After receiving recommended plan the user gets examples of different products to achieve goal (high protein food for muscle gain, low fat food for gain loss, etc.).
After receiving separate items, user can browse through generated options for differernt meals (breakfast, lunch, snack, on-the-go, etc) based on the feedback of food preferences, provided before.
Features if everything else is working smooth:
If the user approves recommended dish, the recipe for this dish will be displayed, showing step by step tutorial how to cook selected meal.
User can enter their information in their profile to track their progress, alowing user to save selected meals and recipes.
If the project is successful, it would be great to add mobile application for easier access and greater number of users.
- Frontend with React
- Backend with Django
- Database PostgreSQL
- AI - Google Gemini for beginning of development
- Nutrition Api
- Meal Api