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Just play with swift in 101 days. Yep, My goal in this project is to wanna try coding trick, and design pattern in swift.


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Swift in 101 Days.

Just play with swift in 101 days. Yep, My goal in this project is to wanna try coding trick, and design pattern in swift.

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  • 2015-09-28 - Day 101

    • Play with the reduce extension method from standard swift library.
  • 2015-09-29 - Day 100

    • Design patterns in swift - Object Template Pattern.
  • 2015-09-30 - Day 99

    • Design patterns in swift - Prototype Pattern.
  • 2015-10-02 - Day 98

  • 2015-10-03 - Day 97

  • 2015-10-04 - Day 96

  • 2015-10-06 - Day 95

    • Swift Enumerations - defines a common type for a group of related values and enables you to work with those values in a type-safe way
    • Try on implicitly assigned raw values
    • Research from : The Swift Programming Language(Enumerations)
  • 2015-10-09 - Day 94

    • Swift Optional Chaining - process for querying and calling properties, methods, and subscripts on an optional that might currently be nil
    • Optional Chaining as an Alternative to Forced Unwrapping
    • Research from : The Swift Programming Language(Optional Chaining)
  • 2015-10-11 - Day 93

  • 2015-10-12 - Day 92

    • Xcode 7 Playground - Import your class into XCODE 7 Playground
    • Try import your custom class to test in playground
    • Resources : With the resource bundle, you can easily add images, sounds, and other data to your playground using the project navigator.
    • Research from : New Features in Xcode 7
  • 2015-10-13 - Day 91

    • Strings in Swift 2 (Collection of Character Values)
    • Natural to model a string as a collection of characters.
    • Research from : Strings in Swift 2
  • 2015-10-14 - Day 90

    • UIKit on playground
  • 2015-10-15 - Day 89

    • Collection Types in Swift 2 [Sets]
    • Stores distinct values of the same type in a collection with no defined ordering.
    • Research from : Sets in Swift 2
  • 2015-10-16 - Day 88

  • 2015-10-18 - Day 87

  • 2015-10-19 - Day 86

  • 2015-10-20 - Day 85

  • 2015-10-21 - Day 84

  • 2015-10-(23-24) - Day 83 - Day 82

    • I went to The 1st iOS Conference in Singapore. It was very nice all sessions.
    • I'll update all of detail to my blog again in coming soon
    • alt tag
  • 2015-10-27 - Day 81

    • Basic animation in Swift
    • Try to use animateWithDuration function to control UIView transition
  • 2015-10-28 - Day 80

    • Basic Spring Animations
    • Try to use animateWithDuration using spring with damping style
    • usingSpringWithDamping : Controls amount of damping applied to the animation. Values closer to 0.0 create a bouncier animation, while values closer to 1.0 create a stiff-looking effect.
    • initialSpringVelocity : Controls the initial velocity of the animation. Bigger and smaller values will cause the animation to have more or less velocity.
  • 2015-10-29 - Day 79

    • Animation Transitions
    • Try to adding a new view, to animate the addition of a new view on the screen.
    • transitionWithView : new view add to it as subviews appear while animation run.
  • 2015-10-30 - Day 78

    • Animation Transitions (Hide/Show/Fade-in/Fade-Out)
    • Try to hiding/fade-in/out a new view, to animate the addition of a new view on the screen.
    • use property view.hidden = true/false for show/hidden view
    • use property view.alpha = 0 to 1 for control transparency 0(invisible), 1(visible)
  • 2015-10-31 - Day 77

    • Animation with CGAffineTransformMakeScale and CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation
    • CGAffineTransformMakeScale : Returns an affine transformation matrix constructed from scaling values you provide
    • CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation : Returns an affine transformation matrix constructed from translation values you provide.
    • Research from : CGAffineTransform Reference
  • 2015-11-01 - Day 76

    • Animation with CGAffineTransformRotate and CGAffineTransformInvert
    • CGAffineTransformRotate : Returns an affine transformation matrix constructed by rotating an existing affine transform.
    • Returns an affine transformation matrix constructed by inverting an existing affine transform.
    • Research from : CGAffineTransform Reference
  • 2015-11-02 - Day 75

    • Animation with CGPointApplyAffineTransform
    • CGPointApplyAffineTransform : Returns the point resulting from an affine transformation of an existing point.
    • Research from : CGAffineTransform Reference
  • 2015-11-03 - Day 74

    • Animation with CGSizeApplyAffineTransform
    • CGSizeApplyAffineTransform : Returns the height and width resulting from a transformation of an existing height and width.
    • Research from : CGAffineTransform Reference
  • 2015-11-04 - Day 73

    • Animation with CGRectApplyAffineTransform
    • CGRectApplyAffineTransform : Applies an affine transform to a rectangle.
    • Research from : CGAffineTransform Reference
  • 2015-11-05 - Day 72

    • Evaluating Affine Transforms : CGAffineTransformIsIdentity
    • CGAffineTransformIsIdentity : Checks whether an affine transform is the identity transform.
    • Research from : CGAffineTransform Reference
  • 2015-11-06 - Day 71

    • Evaluating Affine Transforms : CGAffineTransformEqualToTransform
    • CGAffineTransformEqualToTransform : Checks whether two affine transforms are equal.
    • Research from : CGAffineTransform Reference
  • 2015-11-07 - Day 70

    • ReactiveCocoa with Swift 2.0 : Play with Signal + UITextField
    • Try to get signal from UITextField by rac_textSignal, So nice! now we don't need UITextField Delegate becuase we have a useful signal.
    • Example project on github : ReactiveCocoa with Swift 2.0
  • 2015-11-08 - Day 69

    • ReactiveCocoa with Swift 2.0 : Play with Signal + UITextField + Filtering
    • Try to add filter operator is used to only include values in an event stream that satisfy a predicate.
    • In this case i'm try is search string has more than 3 character, filter operator will alow and go to startWithNext.
    • Example project on github : ReactiveCocoa with Swift 2.0
  • 2015-11-09 - Day 68

    • ReactiveCocoa with Swift 2.0 : Play with Signal + UIButton + handle action
    • Try to add methods from ReactiveCocoa adds to UIKit, rac_signalForControlEvents.
    • And add some feature with doNext operator, like when user pressed UIButton button will disable and change alpha.
    • Example project on github : ReactiveCocoa with Swift 2.0
  • 2015-11-10 - Day 67

    • Control Flow : Loops - loops to perform a task multiple times
    • for-loop
    • while-loop
    • repeat-loop
    • Research from : Control flow in Swift
  • 2015-11-11 - Day 66

    • Control Flow : if, if-else, switch, interval matching
    • Conditional Statements : It is often useful to execute different pieces of code based on certain conditions.
    • Research from : Control flow in Swift
  • 2015-11-12 - Day 65

    • Defining and Calling Functions
    • Without parameter & Without return.
    • Without parameter & return value.
    • With parameter & Without return.
    • With parameter & With return.
    • With multiple parameters.
    • Research from : Defining and Calling Functions
  • 2015-11-13 - Day 64

    • UITest in Swift
    • Introduces UI testing as a major new feature of the existing XCTest framework.
    • Step 1 : Open the Test Navigator
    • Step 2 : Click run button on testLoginForm()
    • Research from : Testing-with-xcode-7-and-swift-2
  • 2015-11-14 - Day 63

    • XCTest in Swift
    • Introduces XCTAssertEqual feature of the existing XCTest framework.
    • Step 1 : Open the Test Navigator
    • Step 2 : Click run button on testGetAddressFullDetail()
    • Research from : Testing-with-xcode-7-and-swift-2
  • 2015-11-15 - Day 62

    • Adding blur effects to UIImageView
    • Try to adding UIBlurEffect to UIImageView with UIVisualEffectView.
    enum UIBlurEffectStyle : Int { 
      case ExtraLight
      case Light
      case Dark 
  • 2015-11-16 - Day 61

    • Core Location in swift
    • Try to find the user's location.
    • NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription : Include this key when your app uses location services to track the user’s current location directly.
    • NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription : Include this key when your app uses location services in a potentially nonobvious way while running in the foreground or the background.
    • Research from : Getting the User’s Location
    • Research from : CocoaKeys
  • 2015-11-17 - Day 60

  • 2015-11-18 - Day 59

    • TO-DO App with ReactiveCocoa and Realm - Part 2
    • Add SnapKit and ReactiveRealm
    • Update TODO View Model
    • Example Project : TODO-MVVM
  • 2015-11-19 - Day 58

    • 3D Touch Shortcut in swift
    • Support in iOS9 SDK
    • If you minimum is under iOS9 please check version first!!!
    • Research from : Apple doc - 3D Touch
  • 2015-11-20 - Day 57

    • Adding gravity to UIView
    • A UIGravityBehavior object applies a gravity-like force to all of its associated dynamic items.
    • Research from : Apple doc - UIGravityBehavior
  • 2015-11-21 - Day 56

    • Adding boundaries and collision animation
    • A collision behavior confers, to a specified array of dynamic items, the ability of those items to engage in collisions with each other and with the behavior’s specified boundaries.
    • Research from : Apple doc - UICollisionBehavior
  • 2015-11-22 - Day 55

  • 2015-11-23 - Day 54

  • 2015-11-24 - Day 53

    • RxSwift: ReactiveX for Swift
    • Research from : RxSwift
  • 2015-11-25 - Day 52

  • 2015-11-26 - Day 51

    • SnapKit : Easy Auto Layout Constraints Programmatically
    • try to adjust 2 UIView with auto layout
    • Research from : SnapKit
  • 2015-11-27 - Day 50

    • SnapKit : Create Login View
    • Try to create login view by snapkit
    • Research from : SnapKit
  • 2015-11-28 - Day 49

    • SnapKit : Inset, Offset
    • Try to use UIEdgeInsetsMake with view by snapkit
    • Research from : SnapKit
    • Research from : UIEdgeInsetsMake
  • 2015-11-29 - Day 48

    • SnapKit : Update/Remove Constraint
    • Try to update constraint and remove(uninstall) constraint
    • Research from : SnapKit
  • 2015-11-30 - Day 47

    • SnapKit : Align Top/Bottom/Left/Right
    • Alignment view with superview
    • Research from : SnapKit
  • 2015-12-01 - Day 46

    • Extension : URL escaped string
    • Research from : Extensions
  • 2015-12-02 - Day 45

    • Extension : Init UIColor by Red/Green/Blue
    • Research from : Extensions
  • 2015-12-04 - Day 44

    • Extension : Int extension find ten percent of your value
    • Research from : Extensions
  • 2015-12-05 - Day 43

  • 2015-12-06 - Day 42

    • Swift in Practice
    • Manually check if a method is available
    • Adopting new APIs while deploying back
    • Compile-time API availability checking (it very nice feature)
    • Expressing conditional logic (guard)
    • Enforcing application constraints
    • Asset catalog identifiers
    • Assetidentifier enum benefits
    • Research from : Video from WWDC2015
  • 2015-12-07 - Day 41

    • Cocoa Touch Best Practices
    • Agenda
      • App lifecycle
      • Views and View Controllers
      • Auto Layout
      • Table and Collection Views
    • Goal
      • Performance
      • User Experience
      • Future Proofing
    • Research from : Video from WWDC2015
  • 2015-12-08 - Day 40

    • What's New in Notifications
    • iOS Notifications
      • Silent Notifications
      • User Notifications
      • Actions
      • Text input (New)
    • APNS
    • Research from : Video from WWDC2015
  • 2015-12-09 - Day 39

    • Building Better Apps with Value Types in Swift
    • Roadmap
      • Reference semantics
      • Immutability
      • Value semantics
      • Value types in practice
      • Mixing value types and reference types
    • Research from : Video from WWDC2015
  • 2015-12-10 - Day 38

    • What's new in core data
    • Object graph management
    • Automatic graph management
    • NSFetchRequest
    • Multi-Writer conflict handling
    • Research from : Video from WWDC2015
  • 2015-12-11 - Day 37

    • What's new in core image
    • Filters
    • Metal
    • Detectors
    • Color management
    • Kernel class and language
    • Research from : Video from WWDC2015
  • 2015-12-12 - Day 36

    • SSKeychain with Swift
    • Set keychain password
    • Research from : SSKeychain
  • 2015-12-13 - Day 35

    • SSKeychain with Swift - Get account from your service
    • Research from : SSKeychain
  • 2015-12-14 - Day 34

    • SSKeychain with Swift - Get password from account
    • Research from : SSKeychain
  • 2015-12-15 - Day 33

    • SSKeychain with Swift - Delelte password from account
    • Research from : SSKeychain
  • 2015-12-16 - Day 32

  • 2015-12-17 - Day 31

  • 2015-12-18 - Day 30

  • 2015-12-19 - Day 29

  • 2015-12-20 - Day 28

  • 2015-12-21 - Day 27

    • Documentation in Swift(Comments)
    • Research from : NSHipster
  • 2015-12-22 - Day 26

    • Check Prefix, Suffix in String
    • String.hasPrefix -> Bool
    • String.hasSuffix -> Bool
  • 2015-12-23 - Day 25

  • 2015-12-24 - Day 24

    • Didset : Stored Variable Observers and Property Observers
    • Research from : Declarations
  • 2015-12-25 - Day 23

    • Three computed properties case of the string
    • Capitalized String : myString.capitalizedString
    • Lowercase String : myString.lowercaseString
    • Uppercase String : myString.uppercaseString
  • 2015-12-26 - Day 22

    • willSet : Stored Variable Observers and Property Observers
    • A willSet observer is called just before the value of the variable or property is set.
    • Research from : Declarations
  • 2015-12-27 - Day 21

    • Making bulk changes to an array in Swift
    • myArray[1...3] = [a,b,c]
  • 2015-12-28 - Day 20

    • The sortInPlace algorithm sorts the array in place.
    • myArray.sortInPlace(){ $0 < $1 }
  • 2015-12-29 - Day 19

    • The sort algorithm sorts the array
    • let arraySorted = myArray.sort(){ $0 < $1 }
  • 2015-12-30 - Day 18

    • The filter algorithm will return a new array by filtering the original array.
    • let filtered = myArray.filter{$0 > 5 && $0 < 7}
  • 2015-12-31 - Day 17

  • 2016-01-01 - Day 16

    • Network abstraction layer written in Swift
    • Research from : Moya
  • 2016-01-02 - Day 15

    • The map algorithm returns a new array that contains the results of applying the rules in the closure to each element of the array.
    • let applied ={ $0 / 10}
  • 2016-01-03 - Day 14

    • The map algorithm(Array) part-2
    • let applied ={ "number is : ($0)" }
  • 2016-01-04 - Day 13

    • The enumerate method
    • for (index,value) in myArray.enumerate() { print("(index) - (value)") }
  • 2016-01-05 - Day 12

    • Check string contains another string
    • mainString.containsString(checkString)
  • 2016-01-06 - Day 11

    • NSDate extension : begin of day and end of day
    • NSDate().beginningOfDay
    • NSDate().endOfDay
    • Research from : stackoverflow
  • 2016-01-07 - Day 10

    • Set : Generic collection in Swift
    • Initializes, Insert, Remove, Count
    • Research from : Set in Swift
  • 2016-01-08 - Day 9

    • Set : Operations
    • Union, Subtract, Intersect, ExclusiveOr
    • Research from : Set in Swift
  • 2016-01-09 - Day 8

    • Control-Flow
    • for-case, for-case with where statement
  • 2016-01-10 - Day 7

    • Control-Flow
    • Continue and Break statement
  • 2016-01-11 - Day 6

    • Control-Flow
    • Guard statement
  • 2016-01-12 - Day 5

    • Protocol in Swift
    • Research from : Protocol
  • 2016-01-13 - Day 4

    • Optional Protocols in Swift
    • Research from : Protocol
  • 2016-01-14 - Day 3

    • Delegation in Swift
    • Research from : Protocol
  • 2016-01-15 - Day 2

    • Protocol Inheritance in Swift
    • Research from : Protocol
  • 2016-01-16 - Day 1

    • Hello World


Anak Mirasing


Just play with swift in 101 days. Yep, My goal in this project is to wanna try coding trick, and design pattern in swift.







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