This project is designed the pull American Community Survey Poverty data and visualize the trajectories of poverty rate. The results are used as a descriptive content to the Seattle $15 Minimum Wage study.
├── data
│ ├── WA_counties.RDS
│ ├── WA_geo_counties.RDS
│ ├── WA_geo_tracts.RDS
│ ├── WA_tracts.RDS
│ ├── WA_tracts_no_water.RDS
│ ├── census_variables.RDS
│ ├── census_variables.csv
│ ├── plot_data.RDS
│ ├── seattle_city_tracts.csv
│ └── total_data.RDS
├── main.R
├── plots
│ ├── poverty_trajectories.png
│ ├── single_hh_maps_count.pdf
│ └── single_hh_maps_percent.pdf
├── resources
│ └── decennial_2010_sf1.pdf
├── scripts
│ ├── compare_seattle_king_county.R
│ ├── create_hh_tables.R
│ ├── get_acs_poverty.R
│ ├── get_census_sf1.R
│ ├── get_shapefiles.R
│ ├── plot_poverty_trajectories.R
│ └── plot_themes.R
└── tracking_poverty .Rproj
To update the folder structure:
fs::dir_tree(recurse = 2, glob = "renv*", invert = TRUE)