Models can project how infectious diseases progress to show the likely outcome of an epidemic and help inform public health interventions.
Research: Infectious Disease Modeling, Monsoon 2020
Guided by: Prof. Kishore Kothapalli, Prof. Sriram Pemmaraju.
- apsp: Reimplementation of all pairs shortest path with Ear decomposition.
- minimum-cycle-basis: For all pairs shortest path with Ear decomposition.
- sir-graph: Disease modelling using graph algorithms.
- sir_model: SIR Model simulation with Processing.
- SIR Model - for spread of disease
- Virology Notes 2020 #26: Therapeutic viruses
- Virology Notes 2020 #25: Unusual infectious agents
- Virology Notes 2020 #24: HIV and AIDS
- Virology Notes 2020 #23: Viral ecology
- Virology Notes 2020 #22: Emerging viruses
- Computational Epidemiology
- Evaluating Architectural Changes to Alter Pathogen Dynamics in a Dialysis Unit
- Massively Parallel Simulations of Spread of Infectious Diseases over Realistic Social Networks
- Parallel Programming Approaches for an Agent-based Simulation of Concurrent Pandemic and Seasonal Influenza Outbreaks
- RAPIDS cuGraph
- Introduction to CUDA C: NVIDIA
- CUDA Tutorial 02: CUDA in Actions
- CUDA Tutorial 01: Say Hello to CUDA
- CUDA First Programs: Computer Architecture CSE448, UAA Alaska
- CUDA by Example: The Final Countdown
- CUDA by Example: CUDA C on Multiple GPUs
- CUDA by Example: Advanced Atomics
- CUDA by Example: Streams
- CUDA by Example: Atomics
- CUDA by Example: Graphics Interoperability
- CUDA by Example: Texture Memory
- CUDA by Example: Constant Memory and Events
- CUDA by Example: Thread Cooperation
- CUDA by Example: Parallel Programming in CUDA C
- CUDA by Example: Introduction to CUDA C
- CUDA by Example: Getting Started
- CUDA by Example: Why CUDA? Why Now?