Fabric.Web is a .NET library to help coding easily like Spring Boot + Mybatis with Java.
You can use Controller, Service and Repository with Fabric.Web build a Web API Solution.
- Integrate Microsoft Entity Framework Core(EF Core).
- Support SQL Server, MySQL and MariaDB.
- Integrate common CRUD.
- Support SQL query.
- Support UTC time formatting.
builder.Services.AddFabricWebService(new DatabaseConfiguration());
You can configure properties in the class DatabaseConfiguration
like this:
new DatabaseConfiguration
DatabaseType = <DatabaseType>,
Server = <Server URL>,
Port = <Port>,
Username = <Database Username>,
Password = <Database Password>,
Database = <Schema Name>,
DatabaseVersion = [Database Version]
The property DatabaseVersion
is not required if you are connecting SQL Server.
In Web API Solution, we often use Controller-Service-Repository(DAO) pattern, therefore we use attributes for Inversion of Control these containers.
Generally, controllers is managed by ASP.NET Core(Because of MVC container), so we only need to mark services and repositories.
- Mark entities with
public class Foo
public required string Name { get; set; }
[MinLength(32), MaxLength(32)]
public required string Phone{ get; set; }
public required string Email { get; set; }
- Mark repository with
public interface IFooRepository
IEnumerable<Foo> GetFooList();
public class FooRepository : IFooRepository
// Fabric.Web.Repository.Context
private readonly Context context;
// Auto-wire by constructor
public FooRepository(Context context) { this.context = context; }
public IEnumerable<Foo> GetFooList() => context.Set<Foo>().ToList();
- Mark service with
public interface IFooService
Foo GetFooByName(string name);
public class FooService : IFooService
private readonly IFooRepository fooRepository;
// Auto-wire by constructor
public FooService(IFooRepository fooRepository) { this.fooRepository = fooRepository; }
public Foo GetFooByName(string name) => fooRepository.GetFooList().Where(foo => foo.Name == name).First();
.NET can auto-wire your containers by IOC, you only need add a constructor into your controller.
public class FooController : ControllerBase
private readonly IFooService fooService;
// Auto-wire by constructor
public TestController(IFooService fooService) { this.fooService = fooService; }
Fabric.Web provides a interface IBaseRepository<TEntity>
includes some crud methods,
you can use the interface in repositories like this:
public interface IFooRepository : IBaseRepository<Foo> { }
public class FooRepository : BaseRepository<Foo>, IFooRepository
// Required.
public FooRepository(Context context) : base(context) { }
You can use CRUD method after that:
public class FooService : IFooService
private readonly IFooRepository fooRepository;
public FooService(IFooRepository fooRepository) { this.fooRepository = fooRepository; }
// IBaseRepository<TEntity>.SelectByPrimaryKey()
public string? GetPhoneByName(string name) => SelectByPrimaryKey(name)?.Phone;
Similarly, services also have CRUD interface.
public interface IFooService : IBaseService<Foo> { }
public class FooService : BaseService<Foo, IFooRepository>, IFooService
// Required.
public FooService(IFooRepository repository) : base(repository) { }
public string? GetPhoneByName(string name) => Repository.GetPhoneByName(name);
Fabric.Web provides some formatter, you can use them like this:
You can add date formatter like this:
builder.Services.AddFabricWebService(config, addDateTimeFormatter: true);
Before: 2023-01-01T00:00:00
After: 2023-01-01 00:00:00
You can add no content formatter like this:
builder.Services.AddFabricWebService(config, addNoContentFormatter: true);
Before: Return Http 204: No Content.
After: null