This application allows users to create, view, maintain, and delete customer appointments. Additionally, users can generate reports on the data.
- Validates username
- Validats password
- Displays upcoming appointments if any once logged in
- Dropdowns for US states and Provinces change automatically.
- Renders quickly after updating the MySQL database.
- Prompts a warning
- Rerenders the table after updating the database.
- Customer data populates from table to form automatically
- Confirmation popup
- Returns appointment info deleted
- Data cascades
- Customer appointment tab allows search combination of month by dropdowns
- Contact schedule tab displays appointments by contact
- Additional report displays data such as number of appointments, customers, contacts, and number of times logged in.
- Author: Ike Maldonado
- Contact info:
- email:
- Application Version: 1.1
- Date: 12/08/2021
- IDE: IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2.2 (Ultimate Edition)
- JDK: openjdk version "11.0.12" 2021-07-20 LTS
- JavaFX: javafx.runtime.version: 11.0.2+1
- Set machine timezone in order for LocalTime ComboBoxes to populate correctly.
- Run main() method in Main class.
- Enter username:
, and passwordtest
, then hit enter or clickLogin
.- This will create and append to
. This file will be created if not already present.
- This will create and append to
- The additional report counts the total number of Appointments, Customers, Contacts, and logins (successful and unsuccessful).
- Location:
Reports Button > Additional Report Tab
- Location:
MySQL version: 8.0.25
Driver: mysql-connector-java-8.0.25
- Location of lambda expressions
LoginController > changeScreen()
LoginController > changeScreen()
CustomersController > viewAppointmentsButtonOnAction()
CustomersController > reportsButtonOnAction()
AppointmentsController > newAppointmentButtonOnAction()
AppointemntsController > updateAppointmentButtonOnAction()