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Whatsapp Multi Session - Menghubungkan Lebih Banyak Sesi Whatsapp dalam 1 Aplikasi

Menghubungkan aplikasi Anda dengan Whatsapp

Pustaka ringan untuk whatsapp. Tidak memerlukan Selenium atau browser lainnya.

Berdiri di atas Baileys Pustaka.


Install package using npm

npm install velixs-md

Kemudian impor kode Anda

Gunakan JS Module

import * as whatsapp from "velixs-md";

atau gunakan CommonJS

const whatsapp = require("velixs-md");

Session Usage/Examples

Start New Session

// buat sesi dengan ID : ilsyaganz

const session = await whatsapp.startSession("ilsya");
// Kemudian, pindai QR di terminal

Get All Session ID

const sessions = whatsapp.getAllSession();
// mengembalikan semua ID sesi yang telah dibuat

Get Session Data By ID

const session = whatsapp.getSession("ilsya");
// mengembalikan data sesi

Load Session From Storage / Load Saved Session

// Mulai sesi tersimpan tanpa memindai lagi

Messaging Usage/Examples

Send Text Message

await whatsapp.sendTextMessage({
  sessionId: "ilsya", // session ID
  to: "6281234567890", // always add country code (ex: 62)
  text: "Hi There, This is Message from Server!", // message you want to send

Send Image

const image = fs.readFileSync("./myimage.png"); // return Buffer
const send = await whatsapp.sendImage({
  sessionId: "ilsya",
  to: "6281234567890",
  text: "My Image Caption",
  media: image, // can from URL too

Send Video

const video = fs.readFileSync("./video.mp4"); // return Buffer
const send = await whatsapp.sendVideo({
  sessionId: "ilsya",
  to: "6281234567890",
  text: "My Video Caption",
  media: video, // can from URL too

Send Document File

const filename = "file.pdf";
const document = fs.readFileSync(filename); // return Buffer
const send = await whatsapp.sendDocument({
  sessionId: "ilsya",
  to: "6281234567890",
  filename: filename,
  media: document,
  text: "Hei, Check this Document",

Read a Message

await whatsapp.readMessage({
  sessionId: "ilsya",
  key: msg.key,

Send Typing Effect

await whatsapp.sendTyping({
  sessionId: "ilsya",
  to: "6281234567890",
  duration: 3000,

Listener Usage/Examples

Add Listener/Callback When Receive a Message

whatsapp.onMessageReceived((msg) => {
  console.log(`New Message Received On Session: ${msg.sessionId} >>>`, msg);

Add Listener/Callback When QR Printed

whatsapp.onQRUpdated(({ sessionId, qr }) => {

Add Listener/Callback When Session Connected

whatsapp.onConnected((sessionId) => {
  console.log("session connected :" + sessionId);

Handling Incoming Message Examples

whatsapp.onMessageReceived(async (msg) => {
  if (msg.key.fromMe || msg.key.remoteJid.includes("status")) return;
  await whatsapp.readMessage({
    sessionId: msg.sessionId,
    key: msg.key,
  await whatsapp.sendTyping({
    sessionId: msg.sessionId,
    to: msg.key.remoteJid,
    duration: 3000,
  await whatsapp.sendTextMessage({
    sessionId: msg.sessionId,
    to: msg.key.remoteJid,
    text: "Hello!",
    answering: msg, // for quoting message

Save Media Message (Image, Video, Document)

wa.onMessageReceived(async (msg) => {
  if (msg.message?.imageMessage) {
    // save image

  if (msg.message?.videoMessage) {
    // save video

  if (msg.message?.documentMessage) {
    // save document
    msg.saveDocument("./file"); // without extension

Optional Configuration Usage/Examples

Set custom credentials directory

// default dir is "wa_credentials"
// or : credentials/mycreds

Set custom Browser

// default browser is VelixS
// or : custom your name


Feedback or Support

If you have any feedback or support, please reach out to me at