Full description with image available here
This Bitcoin wallet serves to help paranoid users of Coinbase wallets.
Bobby used an online auction site to sell a product. Buyer agreed to pay with Bitcoin, so Bobby needs to send his wallet. However, if Bobby sends the buyer his usual wallet, the buyer will be able to see all transactions in the future using the public ledger.
Bobby wants to Bitcoin money into his regular wallet but stay anonymous
With BitBuddy Bobby can generate a new wallet which will redirect all incoming payments to his regular wallet
Copy-pasting wallets from one screen to the next is error prone.
Jane would rather select a name from her contact book to send Bitcoin to her friends
Before adding a trusted contact, the wallet verifies that there is activity associated with the wallet. If the blockchain doesn't return any result, consider sending a test transaction before sending any significant amount
When adding a new contact, verify that the wallet is 'active'
Register a project in google console
Register an application in Coinbase
Configure API access in gogole console
- Contacts
bundle install
PORT=3000 forman start
Point browser to
https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/javascript/start/start-js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19633590/error-invalid-client-no-registered-origin