Easy to use Node.js wrapper for Google Image Charts - Chart Tools (deprecated by Google) that also supports Image-Charts, a drop-in replacement for Google Image Charts.
var Quiche = require('quiche');
var pie = new Quiche('pie');
pie.setTransparentBackground(); // Make background transparent
pie.addData(3000, 'Foo', 'FF0000');
pie.addData(2900, 'Bas', '0000FF');
pie.addData(1500, 'Bar', '00FF00');
pie.setLabel(['Foo','Bas','Bar']); // Add labels to pie segments
var imageUrl = pie.getUrl(true); // First param controls http vs. https
var Quiche = require('quiche');
var bar = new Quiche('bar');
bar.setTitle('Some title or something');
bar.setBarStacked(); // Stacked chart
bar.setBarSpacing(6); // 6 pixles between bars/groups
bar.setLegendBottom(); // Put legend at bottom
bar.setTransparentBackground(); // Make background transparent
bar.addData([19, 19, 21, 14, 19, 11, 10, 18, 19, 30], 'Foo', 'FF0000');
bar.addData([4, 3, 2, 3, 0, 0, 3, 4, 2, 2], 'bar', '0000FF');
bar.addData([10, 8, 2, 1, 18, 9, 20, 21, 19, 11], 'bin', '008000');
bar.addData([2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 7, 3, 6, 2, 7], 'bash', '00FF00');
bar.addData([1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'blah', '307000');
bar.setAutoScaling(); // Auto scale y axis
bar.addAxisLabels('x', ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10']);
var imageUrl = bar.getUrl(true); // First param controls http vs. https
var quiche = require('quiche');
var chart = quiche('line');
chart.setTitle('Something with lines');
chart.addData([3000, 2900, 1500], 'Blah', '008000');
chart.addData([1000, 1500, 2000], 'Asdf', '0000FF');
chart.addAxisLabels('x', ['1800', '1900', '2000']);
var imageUrl = chart.getUrl(true); // First param controls http vs. https
var quiche = require('quiche');
var qr = quiche('qr');
var url = qr.getUrl(true); // First param controls http vs. https
Note: currently not supported by Image-Charts
$ npm install quiche
- line
- pie
- bar
- qr
- chart.setWidth(height [number]);
- chart.setHeight(height [number]);
- chart.setTitle(title [string]);
- chart.setTitleColor(color [hex color]);
- chart.setTitleSize(size [number]);
- chart.setTitleRight();
- chart.setTitleLeft();
- chart.setLegendOrder(order [string])
- chart.setLegendLeft();
- chart.setLegendRight();
- chart.setLegendBottom();
- chart.setLegendTop();
- chart.setLegendVertical();
- chart.setLegendHorizontal();
- chart.setLegendHidden();
- chart.setLegendSize([number]);
- chart.setTransparentBackground();
- chart.addAxisLabels(axis [x | y | r], labels [array]);
- chart.addData(data [number | array], label [string], color [hex color]);
- chart.setAutoScaling();
- chart.setHostname(hostname [string]); // e.g. 'image-charts.com' to use Image-Charts (default is the deprecated 'chart.googleapis.com')
- chart.getUrl(https [boolean]); // true = https, false = http
- chart.getReq(https [boolean], callback [function]);
- chart.getPostReq(https [boolean], callback [function]);
- pie.set3D();
- pie.setLabel();
- pie.addPercent();
- bar.addData();
- bar.setBarWidth([number]);
- bar.setBarSpacing([number]);
- bar.setBarVertical();
- bar.setBarHorizontal();
- bar.setBarGrouped();
- bar.setBarStacked();
- bar.setBarOverlapped();
- line.addData(data [number | array], label [string], color [hex color], thickness [number], line length [number], space length [number]);
- line.setSparklines();
- line.setXY();
- qr.setLabel(data [string]);
- qr.setEncoding(encoding [UTF-8 | Shift_JS | ISO-8859-1]);
- qr.setErrorCorrectionLevel(level [string]) // https://developers.google.com/chart/infographics/docs/qr_codes
- qr.setMargin(margin [number]); // Margin around graphic
- qr.setWidth(width [number]);
- qr.setHeight(height [number]);
- qr.getUrl(https [boolean]); // true = https, false = http
- Pie charts
- Bar charts
- Auto scaling
- Documentation
- More chart types
- Better confict handling