BookaPorta is a web-application that simulates the experience of an online bookstore.
It supports the following views:
- Home page - Contains Suggested book categories, the Book of the Month, the Author of the Month and books from them.
- Books by category
- Books by author
- Specific book page
- Bestsellers page
- Cart view
- Shipping details page
- Credit card page
- Completed order page
- Administration and other roles pages
- Chat via websockets
- Autocomplete for search bar (authors & book titles)
- Credit card payment via
- Java SE v. 1.8
- Spring Boot Security
- MySQL database
- JSPs for views
- Import database (bookstore.sql file) with your favorite DB tool (MySQLWorkbench, DBeaver etc).
- Set spring.datasource.username and spring.datasource.password in /Bookstore/src/main/resources/ file, in order to get a successful connection with the database.
- Build the project with your favorite IDE.
- mvn spring-boot:run to run the application.
- Application should be running at localhost:8080/bookstore.