This project showcases unit testing techniques for an ASP.NET Core Web API using the xUnit testing framework. Unit testing is a critical aspect of software development, ensuring that individual components of the application function as expected in isolation. By testing the API controllers, services, and other components, developers can identify and fix bugs early in the development process, resulting in a more robust and reliable application
xUnit Testing Framework: The unit tests are written using xUnit, a popular testing framework for .NET applications. xUnit provides a simple and elegant syntax for writing tests and offers powerful features for asserting expected behaviors.
ASP.NET Core TestHost: The tests utilize the ASP.NET Core TestHost, which allows running HTTP integration tests against the API without the need for a separate web server. This enables testing the API endpoints in a controlled environment similar to the production environment.
Mocking Dependencies: Dependencies such as database access, external services, or other components are mocked using libraries like Moq. Mocking helps isolate the code under test and ensures that the tests focus solely on the behavior of the unit being tested.
ASP.NET Core: The primary framework for building web applications and APIs.
C#: The programming language used for backend logic and API.
Swagger UI: A tool to document and test APIs.
PostgreSQL: A lightweight, file-based database used for local development and testing.
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