Hold my projects using z80asm assembler
- sudo apt install z80asm z80dasm srecord
- sudo apt install openmsx
Some help on using z80asm on RC2014 based system
Sample "helloworld.asm":
org $8500
ld de, text ; load address for text to display.
call display ; call display
ret ; we are done
ld c, $06 ; load display routine from SCM API
rst $30 ; exec display routing
ret ; we are done
db "scmtapp1, Hello, World\n\r",0 ; define string to display
Assemble the source to a binary file using z80asm:
- z80asm -i helloworld.asm -o helloworld.bin Converting it to Intel Hex format (linux)
- srec_cat helloworld.bin -binary -offset 0x8000 -output helloworld.hex -intel -address-length=2
We may also use Makefile files. Example for a Makefile:
main.bin: main.asm
z80asm main.asm -o main.bin --list=main.lst
srec_cat main.bin -binary -offset 0x8500 -output main.hex -intel -address-length=2
rm -f main.bin main.lst main.hex
Running it on the RC2014 with SCM Copy the resulting Hex data and paste it to the cli of SCM We got: *Ready run with: g 8000
Note: the offset parm, and g value must match the origin in the assembly code