Releases: inclusivenaming/website
Initial Inclusive Naming Word Lists release v1.0
This first community release includes several notable features:
Words identified as needing consideration are separated into three tiers of severity and action (Tier 1: Replace Immediately, Tier 2: Strongly Consider Replacing, and Tier 3: Recommendations to Replace.) There is a fourth category, No-Change, of words the INI did not recommend a change.
Each word or term on the three tiers contains the specific details of actions to take and includes suggested replacement words or terms.
All words/terms include research conclusions, including the No-Change list, which explains why a replacement was not recommended.
This initial release includes versioned downloads of the word lists as a single-page HTML document, an OpenDocument .odt file, and a JSON file. A PDF release is being worked on. The community is open to suggestions and help for producing other file formats.
You can select to download a more granular list, with options on each tier page to download just that tier. Every individual word page can be downloaded as a single file as well.
What's Changed
- Implement Design by @celestehorgan in #1
- Add project logo by @celestehorgan in #2
- Adjust alignment by @celestehorgan in #3
- Adjust logos by @celestehorgan in #4
- Trim out logos for now. by @edwarnicke in #5
- Trim out copyright at the bottom of page by @edwarnicke in #6
- Project -> Initiative by @edwarnicke in #9
- Second Logo Option by @edwarnicke in #8
- Delete README until we can write a proper one. by @edwarnicke in #11
- Subtle logo fix: by @edwarnicke in #12
- Add CC-BY License by @edwarnicke in #10
- Add FAQs from github/conscious-lang-docs by @celestehorgan in #14
- Add general guidance, refine single.html by @celestehorgan in #13
- Add recommendations, refine header typography by @celestehorgan in #15
- Add wg naming language evaluation framework by @celestehorgan in #16
- Update date by @celestehorgan in #17
- Reorder lefthand menu by @celestehorgan in #18
- Add logos to homepage by @celestehorgan in #19
- Move related projects to subpage by @celestehorgan in #20
- Add contributors page by @celestehorgan in #21
- Use a different summary by @celestehorgan in #22
- Try redesigning for a better homepage by @celestehorgan in #23
- Remove jumbotron corner radius by @celestehorgan in #24
- Change time by @celestehorgan in #25
- Red Hat, not RedHat by @rbowen in #26
- Update homepage CTA to no longer mention kubecon by @celestehorgan in #27
- Fix font import issue by @celestehorgan in #30
- Add baseURL parameter to hugo config by @cblecker in #32
- Add slack invite info to 'Getting Involved' page and social-buttons. by @edwarnicke in #35
- Create by @celestehorgan in #29
- Clarify how to join the mailinglist (without Google account) by @tomschr in #34
- Add workstream info and public calendar by @celestehorgan in #37
- Fix get-involved link by @rbowen in #42
- Add blogging by @celestehorgan in #31
- Create by @xmulligan in #43
- Change date by @celestehorgan in #44
- Remove broken mailing lists links from workstream page. by @edwarnicke in #46
- Improve slack information. by @edwarnicke in #48
- fix/typos by @savage-alex in #51
- Fixing to canonical link, rather than versioned by @quaid in #52
- Updating to canonical link from versioned one by @quaid in #53
- Update Stephen Augustus' affiliation by @justaugustus in #55
- Add Jim St. Leger as Marketing Workstream Lead by @edwarnicke in #54
- blog: Towards More Inclusive Infrastructure by @rquelle in #47
- Update by @JimStLeger in #61
- Add BMC Logo by @xmulligan in #57
- add: linkedin url to the site by @gkarthiks in #64
- workstreams: Merge OSS and Community + Tooling, add new leads by @justaugustus in #65
- add: youtube link #28 and fix casing in LinkedIn by @gkarthiks in #67
- Add Splunk logo by @wordsmeanstuff in #66
- Add files via upload by @JimStLeger in #60
- add empty code of conduct page by @celestehorgan in #71
- Add Code of Conduct to website by @joannalee333 in #72
- Update code of conduct webpage by @joannalee333 in #74
- Update About Us webpage by @joannalee333 in #75
- Create good for business blog by @xmulligan in #58
- Fix SDDI URL as per #69 by @rbowen in #78
- re-add anchor links to subpages by @celestehorgan in #73
- fix last name typo by @xmulligan in #81
- Add files via upload by @JimStLeger in #62
- Update logos.html by @JimStLeger in #59
- Add link to the official HUGO installation document in by @Damans227 in #82
- Add leads to leadership page by @celestehorgan in #84
- Recommendations and best practices for language changes by @rbowen in #76
- Add language evaluation framework 2.0 by @celestehorgan in #87
- Add Hugo devcontainer with brief README by @lee0c in #86
- Add machine parsable DCI Lint configuration by @petermetz in #38
- Add IBM language docs to resources by @celestehorgan in #90
- Media header updates by @gkarthiks in #91
- add sponsor link to menu by @celestehorgan in #94
- Create by @Oshratn in #83
- Create monique-umphrey-hcc-interview by @Oshratn in #88
- Replace PR 89 with this one by @markcmiller86 in #97
- Fix time to display in local tz of viewer by @edwarnicke in #103
- revise ibm wording by @celestehorgan in #95
- add tiered word list critera by @celestehorgan in #92
- add redirect for word lists, change urls by @celestehorgan in #112
- static: Update
redirect by @justaugustus in #113 - Add by @richsalz in #108
- Add abort to word list by @celestehorgan in #93
- Adding Sophisticated issue form for media mentions by @gkarthiks in #96
- Add recommendation for sanity check and sanity test by @celestehorgan in #116
- Add segregate recommendation by @celestehorgan in #117
- add jason brooks to leads page by @celestehorgan in #118
- .github: Add initial CODEOWNERS and settings.yml config by @justaugustus in