This is the Android companion app to Mycroft-core. It works by opening a websocket connection to the Mycroft-core messagebus and sending and receiving messages from there.
It implements voice recognition and Text To Speech (TTS) via Google API's at the moment, but that may change soon.
Import the repo into Android Studio, or your IDE of choice. Build and deploy to a device
Once the app is running on a device (Lollipop or later SDK 24), you will need to set the IP address of your Mycroft-core instance in the Settings -> General Options menu. That will then create a websocket connection to your Mycroft and off you go!
If you would like to help out on this project, please join the Mycroft community SlackHQ and ask where you can contribute! Design and UI/UX is most needed at this point, but any and all help is greatly appreciated!