Version 0.5.7
The release is a ton of little things. Various people contributed to this release: @twerth, @GantMan, @mattsgarrison, and @malkomalko. Thanks all.
- Deprecated weak_ref_to_strong_ref. RM 2.24 made this unnecessary
- Various bug fixes (of course, might as well say water is wet).
- Fixed bug where rmq would be attached to the wrong controller when using something like ECSlidingViewController
- Fixed bug where rmq in stylesheet wasn't wrapping views correctly
- Updated readme, clarifying a few things people are generally confused about
- Additions to stylers (UIPageControl, UITextView, etc)
- Allow from_right: 10 and from_bottom: 20 in the hash when setting a frame or in layout
- Added 2 new animations: sink_and_throb, and land_and_sink_and_throb
- Allow you to set the :table_style, when .append or .create a UITableView (UITableViewStyleGrouped)
- Fixed issue where rmq.create wouldn't grab the latest template from github
Do both (you need the updated gem (outside of bundler) because of the console rmq command being updated):
- gem update ruby_motion_query
- bundle update ruby_motiong_query