This repo contains the code for the 12/6/2017 course Creating interactive web apps with R: An introduction to Shiny. The live app can be found at
This class is offered as part of the 2017 NIH Hour of Code Celebration. Shiny is an R package that allows you to create interactive web apps with customizable user interfaces. With Shiny, you can build interactive data visualizations, simple data analysis tools, or even complex customized apps using just R code - no web development skills needed! These apps can be hosted on your own server or for free on RStudio's hosting service. This session will provide a hands-on introduction to Shiny by building a simple web app for visualizing data. Attendees will learn how to build a user interface and create the underlying R functionality.
Prerequisites: Proficiency with R; attendees should be comfortable with writing their own R code and troubleshooting errors.