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ima spam some computer vision projects and 19CSE456 assignments here. and later make them usable

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Computer Vision: When your computer knows to see like you

If you wanna check the notebooks, use the following (github gonna take forever to render them):

Image Collection.ipynb

Training and Detection.ipynb

Data Preprocess

Made my own perceptron on the iris dataset. Check it out!

Notes to self:

Conda related stuff:

  • Conda creating env in current working dir:

    conda create --prefix ./<env name>

  • Conda remove an env:

    conda env remove -n <env name>

  • Uninstall package in conda:

    conda uninstall <package name>

  • Clone a conda env:

    conda create --prefix ./<env name> --copy --clone <env path>

  • List all conda envs:

    conda info --envs

  • Increate the width of cells in ipynb:

from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
display(HTML("<style>.container{width:100% !impotant;}</style>"))

Non Conda stuff:

  • Connect to camera with cv2:
import cv2 # pip install opencv-python
cv2.VideoCapture(0) # 0 can be replaced with link to ipwebcam to use phone camera

A general workflow of an end to end deep learning project on torch

If the image is in weird color (BGR):

import cv2
RGB_img = cv2.cvtColor(w, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

Transform the images in training set:

import torchvision.transforms as transforms
transformations = transforms.Compose([
    transforms.Resize([x,x]), # x can be any number (usually 224,224 or 256,256 is used)
    transforms.ToTensor(), # Converts the image array to Tensor
    transforms.Normalize(mean=[m,m,m],std=[s,s,s]) # "m" is the mean value that we are trying to achieve on each of RGB channels. "s" is the standard deviation from mean. (usually m=0.5 and s=0.5 are preferred)

Load train/test dataset, dataloader

from import DataLoader
import torchvision.datasets as datasets
<train/test>_dataset = datasets.ImageFolder(
    <path to train/test dir>,
    transform = transformations)
<train/test>_loader = DataLoader(
      dataset = <train/test>_dataset, 
      batch_size = <16/32>, 
      shuffle = <True/False>
) # always shuffle so that the model can generalise better

Print an image from <train/test> dataloader (transpose func)

# This step has to be done after dataloader step is done

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

items = iter(<train/test>_loader)
image, label =
plt.imshow(np.transpose(image[n], (1,2,0)) # the transpose function rearranges the channels from [channels, height, width] to [height, width, channels]

Define the neural network

import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

class Net(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self):
        super(Net, self).__init__()
        # A pool function
        self.pool = nn.<pool_function>(n, n)
        # The number of layers have to be decided based on the image size
        # Conv layer 1
        self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(<in_channels>, <out_channels>, <kernel_size>)
        # Conv layer 2
        self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(<in_channels>, <out_channels>, <kernel_size>)
        # Conv layer 3
        self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(<in_channels>, <out_channels>, <kernel_size>)
        # etc
        # Linear Layer 1
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(<in_features>, <out_features>)
        # Linear Layer 2
        self.fc2 = nn.Linear(<in_features>, <out_features>)
        # Linear Layer 3
        self.fc3 = nn.Linear(<in_features>, <out_features>)
        # etc
    def forward(self, x):
        # x is images as Tensors after all the transformations
        # Conv layer 1 on x
        x = self.conv1(x)
        # Activation function on x
        x = F.<activation_function>(x)
        # Pool function on x
        x = self.pool(x)
        # Conv Layer 2 on x
        x = self.conv2(x)
        # Activation fucntion on x
        x = F.<activation_function>(x)
        # Pool function on x
        x = self.pool(x)
        # Conv Layer 3 on x
        x = self.conv3(x)
        # Activation fucntion on x
        x = F.<activation_function>(x)
        # Pool function on x
        x = self.pool(x)
        # etc
        # Flatten (placing all the rows in the tensor side by side)
        x = x.view(x.size(0), -1)
        # Linear layer 1 on x
        x = self.fc1(x)
        # Activation function on x
        x = F.<activation_function>(x)
        # Linear layer 2 on x
        x = self.fc2(x)
        # Activation function on x
        x = F.<activation_function>(x)
        # Linear layer 3 on x
        x = self.fc3(x)
        # Activation function on x
        x = F.<activation_function>(x) 
        # etc
        return x

Define each train step

The steps:

  • Pass the image Tensors to the NN
  • Calculate the loss
  • Back propagation
  • Update weights
# This step as to be done after the Neural Network is defined

import torch
import torch.optim as optim
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

def train_step(model, images, labels, loss_func, optim, device): 
    # makes the gradiant 0 whenever called
    # Whatever the model predicts
    outputs = model( # moving the image tensors to GPU/CPU (whichever "device" is available)
    # Calculate the gradiant
    loss = loss_func(outputs,
    # Move towards the local minima
    return loss.cpu().item() # move the loss value from GPU to CPU (.item() converts the tensor to int/float)

images, labels = iter(train_loader)
        net, # net = Net() <model_object>
        loss_func, # loss_func = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()  <loss_function>
        optim, # optim = optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr = <some float number>, momentum = <some float number>) <optimizer>
        device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' # Use GPU if available

Define an epoch

# This step has to be done after train step is defined

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim

def epoch(model, train_loader, loss_func, optim, device):
    mean_loss = 0
    # Move the model to GPU
    model =
    for image, label in train_loader:
        # Store the loss value returned from train_step
        loss = train_step(model, image, label, loss_func, optim, device)
        # Calculate mean loss
        mean_loss += loss/len(train_loader)
    return mean_loss
    device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'

Other useful resources:

Deep learning related stuff:

  • Types of architectures:

    • Single later feed forward network
    • Multilayer feed forward network
    • Single layer recurrent network
    • Multi layer recurrent network
    • Convolutional Neural Network
    • Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)

Some insane models from ImageNet:

1. LeNet-5
2. AlexNet
3. VGG-16
4. Inception-V1
5. Inception-V3
6. ResNet-50
7. Xception
8. Inception-V4
9. Inception-ResNet-V2
10. ResNeXt-50


ima spam some computer vision projects and 19CSE456 assignments here. and later make them usable




