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Contextual Vision Transformers for Robust Representation Learning


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ContextViT is an extension of vision transformers, designed to handle complex data distributions and covariate shifts more effectively.

  • The key feature of ContextViT is the addition of a context token t_c per context c that captures group-specific information sharing this contexgt. This token allows the model to adjust its predictions based on the group membership, taking into account the contextual effects associated with each group (we call the set of all images that are members of a group D_c).
  • There are two methods to learn the context token. The first method involves creating a context embedding dictionary that maps group membership to the context token. This dictionary is learned through gradient descent. While showing effective performance on the in-distribution data, this method, however, cannot generalize to test distributions with new groups, as these are not present in the dictionary.
  • The second method we propose is to amortize learning the context token using a context inference network. This network h() considers input images with the same group membership D_c and predicts a shared context representation token per group t_c = h(D_c). This operation can be performed before each transformer layer, enhancing the model's ability to utilize fine-grained group-specific information. Since the context inference network is conditioned on the input images, it can be applied to out-of-distribution data, using a subset of images from a group D_c.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to create an issue. We are here to provide support and guidance. 🤗

my alt text

This illustration represents ContextViT in action. Prior to each Transformer layer, ContextViT applies a context inference model across all patches. These patches, extracted from images within the current batch that share identical group membership, are used to generate a context token. For the sake of simplicity, we've depicted only two Transformer layers and have represented a single patch embedding for each image on the left side.

Get started


This project is developed based on PyTorch 2.0 and PyTorch-Lightning 2.0.1. We use conda to manage the Python environment. You can setup the enviroment by running

git clone
cd ContextViT
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate contextvit

You can then install contextvit through pip.

pip install git+


We recommend users to utilize the official WILDS package for downloading and accessing the WILDS benchmarks.

pip install wilds

# Downloads labeled data under root_data_dir/
python wilds/ --root_dir root_data_dir

# Downloads unlabeled data under root_data_dir/
python wilds/ --root_dir root_data_dir --unlabeled

Once the data has been successfully downloaded, you must set the environment variable, WILDS_DATA_PATH, to point to the root directory of your WILDS datasets. For added convenience, you can use the scripts provided below to save this variable in your conda environment contextvit.

conda activate contextvit

mkdir -p ./etc/conda/activate.d
mkdir -p ./etc/conda/deactivate.d

echo "#\!/bin/sh" > ./etc/conda/activate.d/
echo "export WILDS_DATA_PATH=root_data_dir" >> ./etc/conda/activate.d/
echo "#\!/bin/sh" > ./etc/conda/deactivate.d/
echo "unset WILDS_DATA_PATH" >> ./etc/conda/deactivate.d/

# Need to reactivate the environment to see the changes
conda activate contextvit


In this work, we utilized the cell painting benchmark, JUMP-CP, as a measure for evaluation. We invite you to visit the original repository, jump-cellpainting/2023_Chandrasekaran_submitted, for further details. To ensure the reproducibility of our results, we have made our preprocessed single-cell images available at s3://insitro-research-2023-context-vit:

└── jumpcp/
    ├──  platemap_and_metadata/
    ├──  BR00116991/
    │    ├── BR00116991_A01_1_12.npy
    │    ├── BR00116991_A01_1_13.npy
    │    └── ...
    ├──  BR00116993/
    ├──  BR00117000/
    ├──  BR00116991.pq
    ├──  BR00116993.pq
    └──  BR00117000.pq

Within each plate directory (e.g., BR00116991/), you will find all the single-cell images, each named in the format PLATEID_WELLID_FIELDID_CELLID.npy. Each single-cell image is a numpy array of dimension 8 x 224 x 224. Accompanying each plate, we provide a pandas dataframe that catalogs all the cells within that specific plate. To facilitate easy access to this data, we have included a Python script which you can utilize.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_parquet("s3://insitro-research-2023-context-vit/jumpcp/BR00116991.pq")
ID well_loc path plate_id ...
0 BR00116991_A01_1_12 A01 s3://insitro-research-2023-context-vit/jumpcp/BR00116991/BR00116991_A01_1_12.npy BR00116991 ...
1 BR00116991_A01_1_13 A01 s3://insitro-research-2023-context-vit/jumpcp/BR00116991/BR00116991_A01_1_13.npy BR00116991 ...
2 BR00116991_A01_1_15 A01 s3://insitro-research-2023-context-vit/jumpcp/BR00116991/BR00116991_A01_1_15.npy BR00116991 ...

ContextViT with in-distribution DINO pre-training

To pre-train ContextViT-S/16 with DINO on JUMPCP, run

python contextvit/main/ \
    data=jumpcp_all \
    transformations=cell_dino \
    meta_arch.backbone.args.in_chans=8 \
    meta_arch.backbone.args.plate_keys=plate_id \
    meta_arch.backbone.args.plate_values=3 \

We use hydra to manage our experiment configuration. By default, the above command will train the model on a single GPU. You can override the default configuration when running For example, the following command will launch the DINO pre-training job using 8 gpus.

python contextvit/main/ \
    data=jumpcp_all \
    transformations=cell_dino \
    meta_arch.backbone.args.in_chans=8 \
    meta_arch.backbone.args.plate_keys=plate_id \
    meta_arch.backbone.args.plate_values=3 \
    meta_arch.backbone.args.amortization=dictionary \

During training, we store the snapshots under ./snapshots/. You can modify this path by overriding the value of trainer.default_root_dir.


In the paper, we considered two ViT baselines. The first uses only a single plate BR00116991 for pre-training:

python contextvit/main/ \
    data=jumpcp_BR00116991_all \
    transformations=cell_dino \
    meta_arch.backbone.args.in_chans=8 \
    meta_arch.backbone.args.plate_keys=[] \

The second baseline combines the three plates for joint DINO pre-training:

python contextvit/main/ \
    data=jumpcp_all \
    transformations=cell_dino \
    meta_arch.backbone.args.in_chans=8 \
    meta_arch.backbone.args.plate_keys=[] \

We note that the official ViT implementation is written in Jax [google-research/vision_transformer]. In this work, we derive our code from Facebook's PyTorch ViT implementation . Users should also cite the original source if they find our work useful.

It's important to note that the official ViT implementation is provided by Google Research's Vision Transformer (google-research/vision_transformer), which is written in Jax. In this project, we base our code on Facebook's PyTorch ViT implementation (facebookresearch/dino). If users find our work beneficial, we kindly request that they also acknowledge the original source in their citations.

Evaluation on three plates

After the training process is complete, we can proceed to the evaluation phase. This involves classifying gene perturbation types based on the embeddings we've learned. In the case of JUMP-CP, our findings indicate that employing a one-layer MLP yields significantly superior results compared to a linear classifier. Therefore we adopted this MLP probing in our comparison:

for PLATE in BR00116991 BR00116993 BR00117000
    python contextvit/main/ \
        data@train_data=jumpcp_${PLATE}_train \
        data@val_data_dict=[jumpcp_${PLATE}_test] \
        transformations=cell \ \
        meta_arch.num_classes=161 \
        meta_arch.use_mlp=True \

ContextViT with out-of-distribution DINO pre-training

In a similar vein, by modifying the Hydra configurations, we can train a ContexViT-S/8 model for the Camelyon17-WILDS benchmark. It's important to note that in our implementation, we exclusively used unlabeled images from the training hospitals. We ensured that no images from the testing hospitals were utilized during the pre-training phase.

python contextvit/main/ \
    data=camelyon_unlabeled \
    transformations=camelyon_dino \
    meta_arch.backbone.args.in_chans=3 \
    meta_arch.backbone.args.plate_keys=[hospital_id] \
    meta_arch.backbone.args.plate_values=5 \
    meta_arch.backbone.args.amortization=linear_mean \


For the sake of comparison, we also pre-trained a ViT-S/8 baseline using DINO on the identical dataset:

python contextvit/main/ \
    data=camelyon_unlabeled \
    transformations=camelyon_dino \
    meta_arch.backbone.args.in_chans=3 \
    meta_arch.backbone.args.plate_keys=[] \

Evaluation on unseen hospitals

Upon completion of the pre-training process, we employ the standard linear probing technique. During this training phase, the linear classifier is learned based on the frozen ViT embeddings. When it comes to testing, we assess its accuracy on held-out images sourced from both the in-distribution hospitals and the out-of-distribution hospitals.

python contextvit/main/ \
        data@train_data=camelyon_train \
        data@val_data_dict=[camelyon_id_val,camelyon_val,camelyon_test] \ \
        meta_arch.num_classes=2 \
        meta_arch.use_mlp=False \


This project was presented at the SCIS Workshop at ICML 2023 (link). If our work contributes to your research, we would greatly appreciate a citation. Additionally, if you utilize our processed JUMPCP dataset, please ensure to cite both our work and the original JUMP-CP paper (link). Thank you for your support!

  title={Contextual Vision Transformers for Robust Representation Learning},
  author={Bao, Yujia and Karaletsos, Theofanis},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.19402},