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This project consists of two main components:

  1. Google Cloud Infrastructure Setup: This includes setting up the project, database, authentication, container image, and Cloud Run deployment and can run locally on localhost (, http://localhost:8000).

  2. Web Hosted Application for Data Annotation: A web application designed for data annotation tasks, providing a user-friendly interface for annotators, reviewers, and admins.

Table of Contents

  1. Google Cloud Infrastructure Setup
  2. Web Hosted Application for Data Annotation
  3. Contributing
  4. License

Google Cloud Infrastructure Setup

This part of the project involves setting up the necessary Google Cloud infrastructure to support the web hosted application for data annotation.

Project Setup

  1. Create a virtual environment: Create a virtual environment and install the libraries; fastapi

      pip install fastapi 'uvicorn[standard]'


  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone 
    (current active branch: test-v2)
    cd your-repo
  2. Run the Setup Server:

    • Start the FastAPI server from the project root and follow the steps to set up the project.
    uvicorn --reload --port 8000

Project Setup

  1. Set up Project:
    • Set Project ID and service account path. Service account must have sufficient permissions which are all included in the Storage Admin and Cloud SQL Admin roles. This will be used to access GCS bucket and Cloud SQL in the next steps.

Database Setup

  1. Set Up Cloud SQL:
    • Navigate to the database setup form and provide the necessary details (instance name, region, database name, user, and password).
    • The script will create the Cloud SQL instance and the database if they do not already exist.

Google Authentication Setup

  1. Configure Google OAuth 2.0:
    • Setup a Google OAuth 2.0 authentication for the project
    • Provide your Google Client ID and Client Secret in the authentication setup form.
    • This will configure Google authentication for the application.

Container Image Setup

  1. Build and Push Container Image:
    • Choose the build option (none, local, or cloud).
    • Provide the container image name.
    • A container image will be built locally if build_option is local or built with google builds submit and pushed to Google Artifact Registry or use an available container image from artifact registry if build_option is set to none.

Cloud Run Deployment

  1. Deploy to Cloud Run:
    • Provide the service name and region.
    • Your web application will be deployed in the container image to Cloud Run. Application URL can be found for the cloud run service in cloud Run console.

Web Hosted Application for Data Annotation

Application Overview

The web application is designed to facilitate data annotation tasks. It includes roles for annotators, reviewers, and admins, each with specific functionalities.


  1. Access the Application:

    • Open a web browser and navigate to the url provided by cloud run. format: https://<service-name>-<hashing>-<region>
  2. Update OAuth authorized redirect URI

    • Visit the GCP OAuth settings for the application and add a redirect URI to the Authorized redirect URIs settings. The redirect URI should look like this; https://<service-name>-<hashing>-<region> For instance in the case of the sample deployment app below.
  3. Roles and Functionalities:

    • Admins: Can create projects and set configurations, add/remove users, upload tasks, assign tasks, and retrieve annotations.
    • Annotators: Receive tasks, annotate data, and submit annotations.
    • Reviewers: Review submitted annotations and provide feedback.

Sample deployment

In order to access any of the roles and functionalities, you must be assigned the appriopriate role first.