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A simple and fully customizable React Native component that implements a Flat-Header UI. You can use this library as Toolbar too.

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A simple and fully customizable React Native component that implements a Flat-Header UI.

Install This library :

npm i react-native-flat-header

Install Icon component(Optional)

icon use :

import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome';

<Icon name="rocket" size={30} color="#FFF" />

Usage :

List of available props for customization FlatHeader component.

Props Value Type Description
leftIcon Icon Component set icon Component
leftText String left text string
leftTextStyle Style object set style for left text
leftIconHandler handler callback function handle for click on left icon, if not set icon does not touchable
leftTextHandler handler callback function handle for click on left text, if not set leftText does not touchable
leftContentHandler handler callback function handle for click on both leftIcon and leftText together; if set does not need handler icon and text separately
rightIcon Icon Component set icon component
rightIconHandler handler callback function handle for click on right icon, if not set rightIcon does not touchable
rightText String right text string
rightTextStyle Style Object set style for right text
rightTextHandler handler callback function handle for click on right text, if not set rightText does not touchable
rightContentHandler handler callback function handle for click on both rightIcon and rightText together; if set does not need handler icon and text separately
centerContent Group Component set Group component that can contain Text and icon component
centerContentHandler handler callback function handle for click on centerContent, if not set centerContent does not touchable
large attribute if set this attribute, left and right text appear in bold style
style style object set style for main header container, such as background color


full examples

First of all add below codes to your code (Import Components) :

import { FlatHeader, Group } from 'react-native-flat-header';

//-------For use Icon (must be installed first)
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome';

Simple 1: left icon and text with handlers

    leftIcon={<Icon name="rocket" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
    leftIconHandler={() => {
        console.warn('Icon Pressed');
    leftText="launch the rocket"
    leftTextHandler={() => {
        console.warn('Text Pressed');

Simple 2: left icon and text with handlers + right icon and right handler

    leftIcon={<Icon name="rocket" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
    leftIconHandler={() => {
        console.warn('Left Icon Pressed');
    rightIcon={<Icon name="heart" size={30} color="#FFC107" />}
    rightIconHandler={() => {
        console.warn('Right Icon Pressed');
    leftText="launch the rocket"
    leftTextHandler={() => {
        console.warn('Text Pressed');
    style={{ backgroundColor: '#BA68C8' }}

Simple 3: left and right icon and text with handlers

    leftIcon={<Icon name="rocket" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
    leftIconHandler={() => {
        console.warn('Left Icon Pressed');
    leftText="launch the rocket"
    leftTextHandler={() => {
        console.warn('Left Text Pressed');
    rightIcon={<Icon name="heart" size={30} color="#FFC107" />}
    rightIconHandler={() => {
        console.warn('Right Text Pressed');
    rightTextHandler={() => {
        console.warn('Right Icon Pressed');
    style={{ backgroundColor: '#00BCD4' }}

Simple 4: left and right icon and text + rightContentHandler

    leftIcon={<Icon name="rocket" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
    leftText="Left content"
    leftContentHandler={() => {
        console.warn('Left Content Pressed');
    rightIcon={<Icon name="heart" size={30} color="#FFC107" />}
    rightText="Right content"
    rightContentHandler={() => {
        console.warn('Right Content Pressed');
    style={{ backgroundColor: '#C2185B' }}

Simple 5: left text

    leftText="launch the rocket"
    leftTextHandler={() => {
        console.warn('Text Pressed');
    style={{ backgroundColor: '#81C784' }}

Simple 6: right text

    rightText="launch the rocket"
    rightTextHandler={() => {
        console.warn('Right text Pressed');
    style={{ backgroundColor: '#558B2F' }}

Simple 7: left icon

    leftIcon={<Icon name="rocket" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
    leftIconHandler={() => {
        console.warn('Icon Pressed');
    style={{ backgroundColor: '#e57373' }}

Simple 8: right icon without handler

    rightIcon={<Icon name="rocket" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
    style={{ backgroundColor: '#D84315' }}

Simple 9: left icon and text + Extra content as children that added to left side

    leftIcon={<Icon name="rocket" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
    leftIconHandler={() => {
        console.warn('Icon Pressed');
    leftText="launch the rocket"
    leftTextHandler={() => {
        console.warn('Text Pressed');
    style={{ backgroundColor: '#7986CB' }}
    <Text style={{ marginLeft: 10, color: 'yellow' }}>
        Extra content

Simple 10: center content

    centerContent={<Text style={{ color: '#FFF' }}>Report</Text>}
    style={{ backgroundColor: '#ff1744' }}

Simple 11: left + center content (Just Text Component) + right

    leftIcon={<Icon name="rocket" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
    centerContent={<Text style={{ color: '#FFF' }}>FAQ</Text>}
    rightIcon={<Icon name="heart" size={30} color="#FFC107" />}
    style={{ backgroundColor: '#29B6F6' }}

Simple 12: left + center content(Group Component) + right

    leftIcon={<Icon name="arrow-left" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
    leftContentHandler={() => {
        console.warn('Left both icon and text pressed');
            <Icon name="comment" size={30} color="#FFF" />
            <Text style={{ color: '#FFF', paddingHorizontal: 5 }}>FAQ</Text>
    rightIcon={<Icon name="star" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
    style={{ backgroundColor: '#1A237E' }}

Simple 13: Full Example (Advance mode) :

    leftIcon={<Icon name="arrow-left" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
    leftTextStyle={{ color: 'yellow' }}
    leftContentHandler={() => {
        console.warn('Left both icon and text pressed-Left Content');
        <Icon name="comment" size={30} color="#FFF" />
        <Text style={{ color: '#FFF', paddingHorizontal: 5 }}>FAQ</Text>
    centerContentHandler={() => console.warn('center content pressed')}
    rightIcon={<Icon name="star" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
    rightTextStyle={{ color: 'yellow' }}
    rightContentHandler={() => {
        console.warn('right both icon and text pressed-Right Content');
    style={{ backgroundColor: '#6200EA' }}

Full Screen Example :

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, Text, View, ScrollView } from 'react-native';

import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome';
import { FlatHeader, Group } from 'react-native-flat-header';

export default class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
            leftIcon={<Icon name="arrow-left" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
            leftTextStyle={{ color: 'yellow' }}
            leftContentHandler={() => {
                console.warn('Left both icon and text pressed-Left Content');
                <Icon name="comment" size={30} color="#FFF" />
                <Text style={{ color: '#FFF', paddingHorizontal: 5 }}></Text>FAQ</Text>
            centerContentHandler={() => console.warn('center content pressed')}
            rightIcon={<Icon name="star" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
            rightTextStyle={{ color: 'yellow' }}
            rightContentHandler={() => {
                console.warn('right both icon and text pressed-Right Content');
            style={{ backgroundColor: '#6200EA' }}

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    backgroundColor: '#F5FCFF'


A simple and fully customizable React Native component that implements a Flat-Header UI. You can use this library as Toolbar too.







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