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Library to create text user interfaces in Fortran 2008


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A work-in-progress wrapper module around dialog to create text user interfaces in Fortran 2008, similar to pythondialog for Python.

Packages of dialog(1) are available for most Unix-like operating systems. On FreeBSD, an older version of dialog is already part of the base system. Install the package devel/cdialog for an enhanced port:

# pkg install devel/cdialog

Add an alias to your global profile, or set the backend to cdialog before calling any dialog routines from Fortran:

call dialog_backend('cdialog')

The basic widgets are compatible to Xdialog as well. Just set the backend to Xdialog.


Widget Supported
buildlist âś“
calendar âś“
checklist âś“
dselect âś“
editbox âś“
form âś“
fselect âś“
gauge âś“
infobox âś“
inputbox âś“
inputmenu âś“
menu âś“
mixedform âś“
mixedgauge âś“
msgbox âś“
pause âś“
passwordbox âś“
passwordform âś“
prgbox âś“
programbox âś“
progressbox âś“
radiolist âś“
rangebox âś“
tailbox âś“
textbox âś“
timebox âś“
treeview âś“
yesno âś“

Build Instructions

Download the fortran-dialog repository, and execute the Makefile:

$ git clone
$ cd fortran-dialog/
$ make

If you prefer the Fortran Package Manager, run:

$ fpm build --profile=release

You can add fortran-dialog as a dependency to your fpm.toml:

fortran-dialog = { git = "" }


The following example just shows a message box in terminal:

! example.f90
program main
    use :: dialog

    call dialog_msgbox('This is the message box widget.', 10, 30)
end program main

Link the example against libfortran-dialog.a:

$ gfortran -o example example.f90 libfortran-dialog.a
$ ./example

To create a graphical message box with Xdialog(1), write instead:

! example.f90
program main
    use :: dialog

    call dialog_backend('Xdialog')
    call dialog_msgbox('This is the message box widget.', 10, 30)
end program main

Further Examples

More examples can be found in examples/:

  • hamurabi is a port of the simulation game Hamurabi.
  • showcase demonstrates all supported widget types.
  • wumpus is a port of the game Hunt the Wumpus.

Build the programs with make:

$ make examples


This section lists code snippets in Fortran for the supported dialog(1) widgets. See the official website for screen shots.


character(len=32) :: selected
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
type(list_type)   :: list(3)

list(1) = list_type('item1', 'List Item 1', 'on')
list(2) = list_type('item2', 'List Item 2')
list(3) = list_type('item3', 'List Item 3')

call dialog_buildlist(dialog, 'Select items:', 16, 40, 5, list, &
                      title='Build List')
call dialog_read(dialog, selected)
call dialog_close(dialog)

print '("Selected items: ", a)', trim(selected)


character(len=12) :: date
type(dialog_type) :: dialog

call dialog_calendar(dialog, 'Enter date:', 3, 42, day=1, month=1, year=2025, &
call dialog_read(dialog, date)
call dialog_close(dialog)

print '("Date: ", a)', date


character(len=32) :: selected
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
type(list_type)   :: list(3)

list(1) = list_type('item1', 'List Item 1', 'on')
list(2) = list_type('item2', 'List Item 2')
list(3) = list_type('item3', 'List Item 3')

call dialog_checklist(dialog, 'Select items:', 16, 40, 5, list, &
                      title='Check List')
call dialog_read(dialog, selected)
call dialog_close(dialog)

print '("Selected items: ", a)', trim(selected)


character(len=512) :: path
type(dialog_type)  :: dialog

call dialog_dselect(dialog, '/', 18, 72, title='Select Directory')
call dialog_read(dialog, path)
call dialog_close(dialog)

print '("Directory: ", a)', trim(path)


character(len=512) :: line
logical            :: eof
type(dialog_type)  :: dialog

call dialog_editbox(dialog, './examples/wumpus.f90', 18, 72, title='Edit Box')

    call dialog_read(dialog, line, eof)
    if (eof) exit
    print '(a)', trim(line)
end do

call dialog_close(dialog)


character(len=32) :: user, shell, group
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
type(form_type)   :: form(3)

form(1) = form_type('User:',  1, 1, 'user',    1, 10, 10, 0)
form(2) = form_type('Shell:', 2, 1, '/bin/sh', 2, 10, 10, 0)
form(3) = form_type('Group:', 3, 1, 'wheel',   3, 10, 10, 0)

call dialog_form(dialog, 'Set user data:', 16, 40, 5, form, &
                 ok_label='Submit', title='Form')
call dialog_read(dialog, user)
call dialog_read(dialog, shell)
call dialog_read(dialog, group)
call dialog_close(dialog)

print '("User:  ", a)', trim(user)
print '("Shell: ", a)', trim(shell)
print '("Group: ", a)', trim(group)


character(len=512) :: path
type(dialog_type)  :: dialog

call dialog_fselect(dialog, '/', 18, 72, title='Select File')
call dialog_read(dialog, path)
call dialog_close(dialog)

print '("File: ", a)', trim(path)


character, parameter :: NL = new_line('a')

character(len=3)  :: a
integer           :: i
type(dialog_type) :: dialog

call dialog_gauge(dialog, 'Progress:', 12, 32, 0, title='Gauge')

do i = 1, 100
    select case (i)
        case (:20)
            call dialog_write(dialog, 'Validating ...' // NL)
        case (21:40)
            call dialog_write(dialog, 'Updating ...' // NL)
        case (41:60)
            call dialog_write(dialog, 'Doing more work ...' // NL)
        case (61:80)
            call dialog_write(dialog, 'Just a few seconds ...' // NL)
        case (81:)
            call dialog_write(dialog, 'Almost done ...' // NL)
    end select

    write (a, '(i0)') i
    call dialog_write(dialog, 'XXX' // NL // a // NL)
end do

call dialog_close(dialog)


call dialog_infobox(new_line('a') // 'This is the info box widget.', &
                    8, 36, title='Information', sleep=2)


character(len=32) :: input
type(dialog_type) :: dialog

call dialog_inputbox(dialog, 'Enter your name:', 7, 32, 'Alice', title='Name')
call dialog_read(dialog, input)
call dialog_close(dialog)

print '("Input: ", a)', trim(input)


character(len=32) :: renamed
logical           :: eof
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
type(menu_type)   :: menu(3)

menu(1) = menu_type('item1', 'Item 1')
menu(2) = menu_type('item2', 'Item 2')
menu(3) = menu_type('item3', 'Item 3')

call dialog_inputmenu(dialog, 'Input:', 16, 40, size(menu), menu, &
                      no_tags=.true., title='Input Menu')

    call dialog_read(dialog, renamed, eof)
    if (eof) exit
    print '(a)', trim(renamed)
end do

call dialog_close(dialog)


character(len=32) :: selected
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
type(menu_type)   :: menu(3)

menu(1) = menu_type('item1', 'Item 1')
menu(2) = menu_type('item2', 'Item 2')
menu(3) = menu_type('item3', 'Item 3')

call dialog_menu(dialog, 'Select an item:', 16, 40, size(menu), menu, &
                 no_tags=.true., title='Menu Demo')
call dialog_read(dialog, selected)
call dialog_close(dialog)

print '("Selected item: ", a)', trim(selected)


character(len=32) :: user, shell, group
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
type(form_type)   :: form(3)

form(1) = form_type('User:',  1, 1, 'user',    1, 10, 10, 0, 2)
form(2) = form_type('Shell:', 2, 1, '/bin/sh', 2, 10, 10, 0, 0)
form(3) = form_type('Group:', 3, 1, 'wheel',   3, 10, 10, 0, 0)

call dialog_mixedform(dialog, 'Set user data:', 16, 40, 5, form, &
                      ok_label='Submit', title='Mixed Form')
call dialog_read(dialog, user)
call dialog_read(dialog, shell)
call dialog_read(dialog, group)
call dialog_close(dialog)

print '("User:  ", a)', trim(user)
print '("Shell: ", a)', trim(shell)
print '("Group: ", a)', trim(group)


character(len=4) :: a
integer          :: i
type(gauge_type) :: gauge(10)

gauge(1) = gauge_type('Process one',   '0')
gauge(2) = gauge_type('Process two',   '1')
gauge(3) = gauge_type('Process three', '2')
gauge(4) = gauge_type('Process four',  '3')
gauge(5) = gauge_type('',              '8')
gauge(6) = gauge_type('Process five',  '5')
gauge(7) = gauge_type('Process six',   '6')
gauge(8) = gauge_type('Process seven', '7')
gauge(9) = gauge_type('Process eight', '4')

do i = 0, 100, 20
    write (a, '("-", i0)') i
    gauge(10) = gauge_type('Process nine', a)
    call dialog_mixedgauge('Progress:', 20, 64, 33, gauge, title='Mixed Gauge')
    call sleep(1)
end do


call dialog_msgbox('This is the message box widget.', 8, 36, &
                   backtitle='msgbox', title='Message')


character(len=32) :: password
type(dialog_type) :: dialog

call dialog_passwordbox(dialog, 'Enter password:', 7, 32, &
                        insecure=.true., title='Password')
call dialog_read(dialog, password)
call dialog_close(dialog)

print '("Password: ", a)', trim(password)


character(len=32) :: uuid, password
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
type(form_type)   :: form(2)

form(1) = form_type('UUID:',     1, 1, '12345',  1, 10, 10, 0)
form(2) = form_type('Password:', 2, 1, 'secret', 2, 10, 10, 0)

call dialog_passwordform(dialog, 'Set values:', 12, 40, 3, form, insecure=.true., &
                         ok_label='Submit', title='Password Form')
call dialog_read(dialog, uuid)
call dialog_read(dialog, password)
call dialog_close(dialog)

print '("UUID:     ", a)', trim(uuid)
print '("Password: ", a)', trim(password)


integer :: stat

call dialog_pause('System reboots in 30 seconds.', 8, 36, 30, &
                  title='Pause', exit_stat=stat)

select case (stat)
    case (DIALOG_YES)
        print '("You pressed OK.")'
    case (DIALOG_NO)
        print '("You pressed Cancel.")'
    case default
        print '("You pressed Escape.")'
end select


call dialog_prgbox('Uptime:', 'uptime', 8, 64, title='Prg Box')


character, parameter :: NL = new_line('a')

call dialog_programbox(dialog, 'Output:', 12, 32, title='Program Box')
call dialog_write(dialog, 'zzz ...' // NL)
call dialog_write(dialog, 'zzz ...' // NL)
call dialog_write(dialog, 'zzz ...' // NL)
call dialog_close(dialog)


character, parameter :: NL = new_line('a')

call dialog_progressbox(dialog, 'Output:', 12, 32, title='Progress Box')
call dialog_write(dialog, 'zzz ...' // NL)
call dialog_write(dialog, 'zzz ...' // NL)
call dialog_write(dialog, 'zzz ...' // NL)
call dialog_close(dialog)


character(len=32) :: selected
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
type(list_type)   :: list(3)

list(1) = list_type('item1', 'List Item 1', 'on')
list(2) = list_type('item2', 'List Item 2')
list(3) = list_type('item3', 'List Item 3')

call dialog_radiolist(dialog, 'Select items:', 16, 40, 5, list, &
                      title='Radio List')
call dialog_read(dialog, selected)
call dialog_close(dialog)

print '("Selected item: ", a)', trim(selected)


character(len=3)  :: range
type(dialog_type) :: dialog

call dialog_rangebox(dialog, 'Select range with PGUP/PGDOWN:', 7, 32, min_value=0, &
                     max_value=42, default_value=21, title='Range Box')
call dialog_read(dialog, range)
call dialog_close(dialog)

print '("Selected range: ", a)', range


call dialog_tailbox('/var/log/messages', 18, 72, title='Tail Box')


call dialog_textbox('./examples/wumpus.f90', 18, 72, title='Text Box')


character(len=8)  :: time
type(dialog_type) :: dialog

call dialog_inputbox(dialog, 'Enter time:', 7, 32, hour=12, minute=0, second=0, &
call dialog_read(dialog, time)
call dialog_close(dialog)

print '("Time: ", a)', time


character(len=32) :: selected
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
type(tree_type)   :: tree(4)

tree(1) = tree_type('tag1', 'one',   'off', 0)
tree(2) = tree_type('tag2', 'two',   'off', 1)
tree(3) = tree_type('tag3', 'three', 'on',  2)
tree(4) = tree_type('tag4', 'four',  'off', 1)

call dialog_treeview(dialog, 'Select item:', 0, 0, 0, tree, title='Tree View')
call dialog_read(dialog, selected)
call dialog_close(dialog)

print '("Selected: ", a)', trim(selected)


integer :: answer

answer = dialog_yesno('Please press Yes or No!', 6, 30, title='Example')

select case (answer)
    case (DIALOG_YES)
        print '("You pressed Yes.")'
    case (DIALOG_NO)
        print '("You pressed No.")'
    case default
        print '("You pressed Escape.")'
end select


You can create a new dialog(1) theme via:

$ dialog --create-rc ~/.dialogrc

Alter the settings to your liking. In /usr/local/share/examples/dialog/, you find several pre-defined themes:

  • debian.rc
  • slackware.rc
  • sourcemage.rc
  • suse.rc
  • whiptail.rc

Copy one of the widget styles to ~/.dialogrc.


  • Single quotes should be avoided, as they have to be escaped as "'\''" in any text passed to dialog(1) from Fortran.
  • Only the wrapper function dialog_yesno() and subroutines with optional dummy argument exit_stat return the exit status of dialog(1). The routine dialog_close() returns an optional exit status.
  • Dialog proceeding (--and-widget) is not supported.




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