Engineering Thesis ARPG project in Unreal Engine 5.1 using Gameplay Ability System with the premise of implementing interesting algorithms for droping items. Good drop good game get good noobs.
Small showcase can be found here.
- W - Move Forward
- S - Move Backwards
- A - Move Left
- D - Move Right
- Mouse - Control Camera
- Space - Dodge / Dash
- E - Interact
- Left Click - Attack
- Shift + Left Click - Heavy Attack
- R - Weapon Skill
- Q - Use Item
- Middle Mouse Button - Lock onto target
- ESC - Main Menu
- ESC - Exit any opened menu
- Left Stick - Move Around
- Right Stick - Control Camera
- B - Dodge / Dash
- A - Interact
- RB - Attack
- RT - Heavy Attack
- LT - Weapon Skill
- X - Use Item
- Right Stick Press - Lock onto target
- Menu button - Main Menu
- Menu button - Exit any opened menu
- Main Hero: Paragon Kwang
- Environmental assets: Modular Gothic Temple
- Enemies: Quadruped Fantasy Creatures
- Equipment: Free Fantasy Weapon Sample Pack
- Font: Adobe Garamond
- Item Icons (AI generated): OpenArt