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Angleton, Denis edited this page Mar 31, 2015 · 15 revisions

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Functions and Variables

Functions can be used to manipulate data during test execution. They can be used anywhere in place of a Value.

Functions and Variables both use the same format. They start with either a # or $ and then are enclosed in parentheses. e.g. #{functionType.function(param, param2)} or ${functionType.function(param, param2)}. Variables have no parentheses. e.g. ${varName}

Functions or variables can be nested in other functions. e.g. #{stringFunctions.base64(ioFunctions.getFileData(fileName)} In this example the variable is fileName which is passed to the getFileDataFunction which is passed to the base64 function.

There are 6 built in function types.

  • ioFunctions
  • stringFunctions
  • dateFunctions
  • monetaryFunctions
  • numericFunctions
  • taxFunctions

Declaring the function #{stringFunctions.concat('Intuit ', 'Tank ',' Rocks')} would yield "Intuit Tank Rocks".

Declaring the function #{numericFunctions.mod(authId, 10)} with the variable ${authId}` defined as 51 would result in 51 % 10 = 1.


  • getCSVData(String fileName) -- Gets the value of the first columnNumber from the specified csv file. equivalent of calling getCSVData(fileName, 0, false)


    1. fileName: String indicating the name of the csv file to read data from.


    returns the first column in the csv file myData.csv.

  • getCSVData(String fileName, int columnIndex) -- Gets the value of the specified columnNumber from the specified csv file. equivalent of calling getCSVData(fileName, columnIndex, false)


    1. fileName: String indicating the name of the csv file to read data from.
    2. columnIndex: Integer Zero indexed column number.


    #{ioFunctions.getCSVData('myData.csv', 1, true)}
    returns the second column in the csv file myData.csv.

  • getCSVData(String fileName, int columnIndex, boolean loop) -- Gets the value of the specified columnNumber from the specified csv file.


    1. fileName: String indicating the name of the csv file to read data from.
    2. columnIndex: Integer Zero indexed column number.
    3. loop: Boolean true to go back to the first line after all lines are read.


    #{ioFunctions.getCSVData('myData.csv', 1, true)}
    returns the second column in the csv file myData.csv.

  • getFileData(String fileName) -- Reads the specified file and returns it as a String.


    1. fileName: String indicating the name of the csv file to read data from.


    returns the contents of the file myData.txt as a String

  • getFileBytes(String fileName) -- Reads the specified file and returns it as a byte array (byte[]). This function can only be used as input to another function that returns a String such as base64Encode.


    1. fileName: String indicating the name of the csv file to read data from.


    returns the contents of the file myData.txt as a String

String Functions

  • concat(String ... values) -- Concatenates the given strings


    1. values: Strings(comma seperated) The strings to concatenate


    #{stringFunctions.concat('Turbo', 'Scale', ' Rocks')}
    returns Intuit Tank Rocks

  • substring(String subject, int start, int stop) -- Returns a new string that is a substring of subject. The substring begins at the specified start and extends to the character at index stop - 1. Thus the length of the substring is stop-start.


    1. subject: String the string from which the substring is to be found (required)
    2. start: Integer the start index for the substring(inclusive) (required)
    3. stop: Integer the index at which to end the substring(exclusive) (optional)


    #{stringFunctions.substring('hello world', 6)}
    returns world

    #{stringFunctions.substring('hello world', 0, 5)}
    returns hello

  • substringBetween(String subject, String open, String close, int index) -- Returns the String that is nested in between two Strings.


    1. subject: String the string from which the substring is to be found (required)
    2. open: the String before the substring, may be null (if null will return the substring before the first occurance of the close param) (required)
    3. close: the String after the substring, may be null (if null will return the substring after the last occurance of the open param) (required)
    4. index: the zero based index of the string to return. (optional)


    #{stringFunctions.substringBetween('yabcz', 'y', 'z')}
    returns abc

    #{stringFunctions.substringBetween('yabcz ydefz', 'y', 'z', 1)}
    returns def

  • randomAlphaLower(int length) -- Generates a random string consisting of lower case alphabets of given length


    1. length: Integer the length of the random string
  • randomAlphaUpper(int length) -- Generates a random string consisting of upper case alphabets of given length


    1. length: Integer the length of the random string
  • randomAlphaMixed(int length) -- Generates a random string consisting of lower and upper case alphabets of given length


    1. length: Integer the length of the random string
  • randomAlphaNumeric(int length) -- Generates a random string consisting of numerals of given length


    1. length: Integer the length of the random string
  • randomAlphaSpecial(int length) -- Generates a random string consisting of special characters of given length


    1. length: Integer the length of the random string
  • randomAlphaMixedNumeric(int length) -- Generates a random string consisting of lower and upper case alphabets and numerals of given length


    1. length: Integer the length of the random string
  • randomAlphaMixedSpecial(int length) -- Generates a random string consisting of lower and upper case alphabets and special characters of given length


    1. length: Integer the length of the random string
  • randomAlphaMixedNumericSpecial(int length) -- Generates a random string consisting of lower and upper case alphabets, numerals and special characters of given length


    1. length: Integer the length of the random string
  • userIdDate(int prefixLength, String format) -- Generates a Random String suitable for a user ID by combining a random character string and a date


    1. prefixLength: Integer (required) The number of characters to use for the prefix.

    2. format: String (required) The date format string to use.


    returns 'GdGE2011-11-15' on November 15, 2011

  • userIdFromDate(int prefixLength, String format) -- Generates a Random String suitable for a user ID by combining a random character string and a date


    1. prefixLength: Integer (required) The number of characters to use for the prefix.
    2. format: String (required) The date format string to use.


    returns 'GdGE2011-11-15' on November 15, 2011

  • userIdFromRange(int minId, int maxId) -- Generates a Integer user Id from the given range. Will distribute these ids equally among the different agents.


    1. minId: Integer (required) The minmum id of the range.
    2. maxId: Integer (required) The maximum id of the range.


    returns an unique integer between 1 and 1000

  • toBase64(String toEncode) -- Will encode the given string to base64 format


    1. toEncode: String the string to base 64 encoding
  • fromBase64(String toDecode) -- Will decode the given string from base64 format


    1. toDecode: String the base64 string to decode
  • urlEncode(String toEncode) -- Will encode the given string using URLEncoder


    1. toEncode: String the string to encode
  • urlDecode(String toDecode) -- Will decode the given string Using URLDecoder


    1. toDecode: String the encoded string to decode

Date Functions

  • addDays(int days, String format) -- Adds days to the current date.


    1. days: Integer The number of days. Pass in a negative value to subtract days.
    2. format: String The date format string to use. If empty, will use default for locale.


    returns '2011-11-20' on November 15, 2011

  • currentDate(String format, String timeZone) -- Current Date. Get the current date.


    1. format: String The date format string to use. If empty, will use default for locale.
    2. timeZone: String (optional) The timezone to use. ()e.g. 'PST', 'America/Los_Angeles', or 'GMT'). If empty, will use default for locale.


    #{dateFunctions.currentDate('yyyy-MM-dd', 'PST')}
    returns '2011-11-15' on November 15, 2014

  • currentTimeMilis() -- Gets the current Time in miliseconds since January 1, 1970. (Unix epoch time)


    returns a long number like '1357842009812'

Monetary Functions

  • randomPositive(int length) -- Gets a random positive money amount.


    1. length: Integer (required) The number of digits in the whole amount.


    returns a random monetary amount between 100.00 and 999.99

  • randomNegative(int length) -- Gets a random negative money amount.


    1. length: Integer (required) The number of digits in the whole amount.


    returns a random monetary amount between -100.00 and -999.99

Numeric Functions

  • add(double... values) -- Adds a list of values


    1. values: Doubles (required) Variable number of number to add together.


    returns 11 (3 + 2 + 6 = 11)

  • subtract(double... values) -- Subtracts a list of values from the first value


    1. values: Doubles (required) Variable number of number to subtract


    returns 5 (10 - 2 - 3 = 5)

  • mod(int value, int modulo) -- Preforms a modulo operation, or the whole remainder of a division operation


    1. value: Integer (required) The number ot modulo.
    2. modulo: Integer (required) The.


    returns 1 (5 % 4 = 1)

  • randomPositiveWhole(int length) -- Gets a random positive integer value.


    1. length: Integer (required) The number of digits in the whole amount.


    returns a random value between 100 and 999

  • randomNegativeWhole(int length) -- Gets a random negative integer value.


    1. length: Integer (required) The number of digits in the whole amount.


    returns a random value between -100 and -999

  • randomPositiveFloat(int length, int decimalPlaces) -- Gets a random positive float value.


    1. length: Integer (required) The number of digits in the whole amount.
    2. decimalPlaces: Integer (required) The number of digits after the decimal.


    returns a random value between 100.00 and 999.99

  • randomNegativeFloat(int length, int decimalPlaces) -- Gets a random negative float value.


    1. length: Integer (required) The number of digits in the whole amount.
    2. decimalPlaces: Integer (required) The number of digits after the decimal.


    returns a random value between -100.00 and -999.00

  • random(int min, int max) -- Gets a random negative float value.


    1. min: Integer (optional) The minimum value to return. default 0.
    2. max: Integer (required) maximum value to return.


    returns a random value between 4 and 10

Tax Functions

  • getSsn(long startSSN) -- Gets a valid Social Security Number starting at at specific number. Each user will get a unique ssn. range is divided evenly across all agents.


    1. startSSN: Integer The starting number to use as a ssn.


    returns the next ssn requested after the given number.

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