Bank Application: You are a back-end developer and need to create an application to handle new customer bank account requests
The application does the following:
read a .cvs file of names, SSNs, account type and initial deposit
use of proper data structure to hold all the accounts
both savings and current accounts share the following properties:
- deposit()
- withdraw()
- transfer()
- showInfo()
- 11-Digit Account Number (generated with the following process: 1/2 for Saving/Current, last 2 digits of the SSN unique 5-digit number and a random 3-digit number)
adding/ updating/ deleting an account
searching for an account by Account# or SSN
depositing/ withdrawing money from/to an account
displaying a list of unused/out of date accounts
Savings Account holders are given a Safety Deposit Box, identified by a 3-digit number and accessed with a 4-digit code
Current Account holders are assigned a Debit Card with a 12-digit number and a 4-digit PIN
both accounts will use an interface that determines the base interest rate: -> savings accounts will use .25 points less than the base rate -> current accounts will use 15% of the base rate
the showInfo() method should reveal relevant account information as well as information specific to the Current account or Savings account
--------------------Learning objectives:------------------------------------
- learn to develop a robust application architecture
- encapsulation, inheritance, abstract classes and abstract methods
- read data from a file and store in an appropriate data structure
- use an interface API to receive information from a developer's application
- explore constructors deeper and use the super() keyword
- explore access modifiers and when to use public, private, protected
- generate random numbers and work with String API