Movie-cards is a webapp that offers a visualization layer over public api.
It's main features are:
- offering multiple types of search parameters such as movie title, year, movie category, rating, actors.
- the ability to save user's favorites in localstorage
npm start
open the browser at http://localhost:3000
The project follows a MVC architecture described below.
The search result model.
Movie tooltip model.
Build the server result when searching for a movie, clean the previous results, check localstorage for favorite movies and build the favourite movie results.
Verify if the writen content in the search input is valid.
Instantiates the services used by app.
Serialize/deserialize information from localstorage.
Fetches the movie genre names.
Handles url building for accessing the API on
A view service that helps building pieces of layout during the rendering of search results. E.g. create movie cards.
Fetches search results.
String utilities.
Create tooltip object instances, access the DOM in order to render, show, hide, the tooltip, as well as create, show, hide and toggle the favorites button.