This is my WiP project for licence plate detecting and blurring in images and videos using YOLOv8 oriented bounding boxes (obb). This project is just a hobby project and is not intended for comercial use.
The code has been developed on:
- Ubuntu: 22.04
- CUDA Version: 11.5
- Python 3.10.12
You can install the requirements with the command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can download the weights of the pre-trained model from Google Drive and place into the folder weights.
The dataset used for training is a subset of the CCPD dataset.
For inference, run following command.
Make sure you have added the proper paths in the options.yaml.
- weights: the path of the file
- input_path: the path of the folder where the images and/or videos you want to test are
- output_path: the path where you want to save the output of the model
- save: if you want to save the output of the model keep it to True, else change it to False.
- show: if you want to preview the results change it to True, else keep it to False.
Note: The output video will be in .avi format. If you want to convert it to .mp4 run the following command on terminal:
ffmpeg -i example.avi example.mp4