This repository contains the source code for a docker image that can be built and run on IOS-XR to redirect the streaming of telemetry data to an active backup collector when a primary collector goes down for any reason. It will automatically reconfigure the router to send telemetry data back to the primary collector when it comes back up. It runs in the background as a docker container managed by the IOS-XR appmgr.
Find the latest docker image at the Docker Hub
If you discover any problems or need help, create an issue or contact me directly at
Skip the first three steps by using a prepackaged RPM from the RPMS directory (Built for NCS 5500 with IOS-XR 7.5.1 or later)
Build Image from Scratch OR Pull from Docker Hub
a) Build from Scratch
- Clone Repository
git clone
- Build Image in Root Directory of Repository
docker build -t <NAME-OF-YOUR-IMAGE> .
b) Pull from Docker Hub
docker pull adhorton/xr-collector-health-monitor:<VERSION>
Save Image to .tar File
docker save <IMAGE-NAME:TAG> > <NAME>.tar
Package Application as RPM
- Follow Instructions from xr-appmgr-build
Transfer .rpm File to /misc/app_host Directory on Router
scp /path/to/your/file/<NAME>.rpm user@router:/misc/app_host
Create config.yaml File
- Create a file named "config.yaml" in an empty directory that follows the conventions described in config/sample.yaml. This will be mounted into the running application to tell it information about the different collectors on the network and the desired telemetry configuration. To enter the Linux environment from IOS-XR, use the "bash" command.
Set Up TLS for encrypted configuration management
- If using TLS to encrypt configuration gNMI requests from xr-collector-health-monitor, ensure that the router's gRPC settings do not contain "no-tls"
show running-config grpc
- Copy /misc/config/grpc/ems.pem into the same directory as your config.yaml file
Set Up TLS for encrypted telemetry data
- Ensure that your collector's instance of telegraf/pipeline has a certificate signed by the CA in /misc/config/grpc/dialout/dialout.pem and is configured to collect TLS-encrypted data
- A great tutorial on this process using Self-Signed Certificates can be found on here on xrdocs.
Install RPM Package to appmgr
- In the IOS-XR CLI,
appmgr package install rpm /misc/app_host/<NAME>.rpm
- To confirm that the package is installed
show appmgr packages installed
Activate the Application
- Enter the config menu
- Activate the application
appmgr application <NAME> activate type docker source <NAME> docker-run-opts "-v /path/to/config/directory/on/router:/config:ro --network host"
- Commit configuration
- Application will automatically configure streaming telemetry to the first active collector
- Confirm that application is running successfully
show appmgr application name <NAME> info summary
View application logs
show appmgr application name <NAME> logs
Start/Stop applications
appmgr application <start/stop> name <NAME>
Show all applications (Similar to docker ps -a)
show appmgr application-table
Uninstall package
appmgr package uninstall package <NAME>
For additional resources on telemetry, app hosting, or anything else to do with IOS-XR, visit xrdocs
I have written two articles about this repository, and you can find them here:
- Adam Horton -
Project Link: