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Inventory API

IQM's advanced algorithm deterines the most relevant ads to display to a user based on their activity and the content of a given page. Inventories provide advertisers a way to organize collecions or groups based on criteria such as ad format, placement type, targeting options, and other attributes. Private Marketplace (PMP) deals and Programmatic Guarantee (PG) deals are arranged so advertisers can purchase ad inventory. This page will cover common methods and endpoints associated with Inventories, PMP Deals, PG Deals, and Groups.


Use the following header parameters for all requests:

Property Type Description
Authorization string [required] Authorization bearer token
See Authentication Guide
X-IAA-OW-ID integer [required] Organization Worskpace ID Header

Get Inventory Details

Inventories are collections of all inventory sources.

Use the following endpoints to get details for various aspects of inventories, filtered by query parameters:

Method/Endpoint Path Description
GET /api/v3/inv inventories/list Gets list of inventory available to user
inventories/distributions Gets distribution of inventory available for user across country and other parameters
inventories/count Gets count of unique inventories, unique publishers, total number of impressions, and total reach of all inventories
inventory-group-types Gets list of inventory group types

Query Parameters

Property Type Description
keywords string Keywords to search inventory list
countries string Filter by country
categories string Filter by category
inventoryTypes string Filter by inventory type
creativeSizes string Filter by creative size
creativeTypes string Filter by creative type
creativeDurations string Filter by creative duration
trafficTypes string Filter by traffic type
deviceTypes string Filter by device type
exchanges string Filter by exchange
videoPlayerSizes string Filter by video player size
noOfEntries integer Maximum number of entries per page
pageNo integer Number of pages for retrieved data
groupId integer Group ID

Response 200 Sample (inventory list)

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "inventoryDataList": [
                "id": 3510,
                "name": "Test Inv 1234",
                "publisher": "UNKNOWN",
                "appId": "INVENTORY",
                "inventoryType": "Other App",
                "impressions": 7397885,
                "reach": 5257,
                "videoPercentage": 100,
                "displayPercentage": 0
                "id": 4746,
                "name": "Test Old TV 345",
                "publisher": "UNKNOWN",
                "appId": "INVENTORY",
                "inventoryType": "Other App",
                "impressions": 428882,
                "reach": 31291,
                "videoPercentage": 100,
                "displayPercentage": 0
More Responses

Response 403

    "success": false,
    "errorObjects": [
            "error": "User is not allowed to access provided inventory group."

Response 500

    "success": false,
    "errorObjects": [
            "error": "server encountered an error !"

Get List of Blocked Inventories

Blocklisted inventories refer to digital media placements or websites that are deemed inappropriate (adult content, hate speech, misaleading information) or of low quality (low engagement, poor user experience). Use the following endpoint to get a list of blocklisted inventories:

  • GET api/v3/inv/blocked-inventories

Query Parameters

Property Type Description
searchField string Search result by keyword
inventoryIds string Filter inventories by inventory ID
noOfEntries integer Maximum number of entries per page, default: 200
pageNo integer Number of pages for retrieved data, default: 1

Response 200 Sample

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "globalBlockedInventoryData": [
                "id": 35109,
                "name": "Pluto TV - It's Free TV",
                "publisher": "UNKNOWN",
                "appId": "74519",
                "inventoryType": "Other App",
                "comment": "This is the comment for this inventory",
                "impressions": 0,
                "uniques": 0,
                "videoPercentage": 0,
                "displayPercentage": 0
    "globalBlockedInventoryIds": 1,
    "filteredRecords": 13

Inventory Management

Optimize inventories for specific campaigns, download detailed inventory files, or block inventories.

Campaign Inventory Optimization

Inventories can be optimized for specific campaign IDs with the following endpoint:

  • POST /api/v2/inv/inventories/includeExclude

Sample Request Schema: application/json

Property Type Description
campaignId integer Campaign ID to target for optimization
ids string Comma separated strings of inventory IDs to include in or exclude from specified campaign
isExcluded integer Include in campaign: 0
Exclude from campaign: 1

Request Body Sample

    "campaignId": 168622,
    "ids": "1,2,3,4",
    "isExcluded": 0

Response 200

    "statusCode": 200,
    "responseObject": {
        "message": "Inventories Included."

Block Inventories

Inventories can be blocked at the account level by ID or search field with the following endpoint:

POST /api/v3/inv/inventories/block

Sample Request Schema: application/json

Property Type Description
inventoryIds array of integers Inventory IDs to block
searchField string Block inventories by searched keyword

Request Body Sample

    "inventoryIds": [

Response 200

    "success": true,
    "data": "Inventories blocked successfully."

Get Inventory Lists in or from CSV Format

Get a paginated list of various inventory details in or from CSV file format with the following endpoints:

Method/Endpoint Path Description
POST api/v3/inv/inventories /open-exchange/download Generates CSV (or XLSX) file of inventory list filtered by query parameters or CSV upload: multipartFile
/csv/list Gets list of inventory based on provided CSV file: domainsFile
/csv/distributions Gets distribution of inventory based on provided CSV file: domainsFile
/csv/count Gets inventory count based on provided CSV file: domainsFile

Request Body Schema: applicatin/json

Property Type Description
keywords string Filters by list of keywords
countries string Filters by list of countries
categories string Filters by categories
inventoryTypes string Filters by inventory type
creativeSizes string Filters by creative sizes
creativeDurations string Filters by creative durations
trafficTypes string Filters by traffic type
deviceTypes string Filters by device type
exchanges string Filters by exchanges
videoPlayerSizes string Filters by video player size
isCsvSearch boolean true if CSV file uploaded for query, otherwise false
fileType string File type to download: csv or xlsx

Request Body Sample

    "multipartFile": "string"

Response 200

    "success": true,
    "data": ""

Inventory Groups

An inventory group refers to a collection or grouping of inventory sources categorized by specific criteria such as ad format, placement type, targeting options, or other attributes. There are three types of inventory group: Open Exchange, PMP Deals, and Contextual Inventory. This section will cover common methods and endpoints for managing inventory groups.

Get List of Inventory Groups

Get a list of inventory groups based on various filters and parameters with the following endpoint:

  • GET /api/v3/inv/groups/list

Query Parameters

Property Type Description
groupFilterId integer Filters groups list. Supported values:
All Groups [default]: 0
Share by Admin: 1
Own Groups: 2
groupTypeIds string Filters groups list. Supported values:
Open Exchange: 1
PMP: 2
Contextual: 3
ids string Comma separated IDs
provideAccountLevelExcludedGroup boolean Flag to indicate whether to include account-level excluded group in response or not, default: false
includeStatistics boolean Flag to indicate whether to include statistics in response or not, default: true
excludeEmptyGroups boolean Flag to indicate whether to include empty groups in response or not, default: false
searchField string Searches by name
pageSize integer Maximum number of entries per page
pageNo integer Number of pages for retrieved data
owId integer Organization Workspace ID
sortBy string Sort entries by ascending (+) or descending (-)

Response 200 Sample

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "totalRecords": 371,
        "filteredRecords": 6,
        "inventoryGroupList": [
            "groupTypeId": 1,
            "created": 1720032375,
            "modifiedDate": "2024-07-03T13:18:26.935+0000",
            "owId": 201427,
            "impressions": 0,
            "isAccountLevelExcluded": null,
            "campaignWhitelistCount": 0,
            "campaignBlacklistCount": 0,
            "whiteListedCampaignIds": [
            "blackListedCampaignIds": [],
            "publishers": 0,
            "sharedCount": 0,
            "uniques": 0,
            "reach": 0,
            "inventories": 0,
            "deals": 0,
            "contextualInventories": 0,
            "count": 0,
            "id": 176178,
            "name": "Inventory Group - Open exchange - 3 campaign",
            "isShared": false

Get More Inventory Groups Details

Get more inventory groups details with the following endpoints:

Method/Endpoint Path Description
GET /api/v3/inv/groups /statistics Get statistics of inventory groups
GET /api/v3/group/{groupId} /shared/campaigns/list Gets list of campaigns attached to the inventory group
/pmp-deals Gets list of PMP Deals in an inventory group
/pmp-deals/csv Gets CSV format list of PMP Deals in an inventory group
/open-exchange-inventories Gets list of open exchange inventories for an inventory group
/open-exchange-inventories/distributions Gets distribution of open exchange inventories in an inventory group
/open-exchange-inventories/count Gets count of open exchange inventories in an inventory group
/contextual-inventories Gets list of contextual inventories for an inventory group
/contextual-inventories/csv Gets CSV format list of contextual inventories for an inventory group
/contextual-inventories/count Gets count of contextual inventories for an inventory group

Path Parameters

Path Type Description
groupId integer [required] Group ID
searchField string Search inventory group by name
noOfEntries integer Maximum number of entries per page, default: 50
pageNo integer Number of pages for retrieved data

Response 200 Sample (open exchange inventories)

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "totalRecords": 3,
        "filteredRecords": 3,
        "openExchangeInventoryData": [
                "id": 52982,
                "name": "",
                "publisher": "UNKNOWN",
                "appId": "INVENTORY",
                "inventoryType": "Site",
                "impressions": 25738,
                "reach": 2128,
                "videoPercentage": 18.29979,
                "displayPercentage": 77.989743
                "id": 52983,
                "name": "",
                "publisher": "UNKNOWN",
                "appId": "INVENTORY",
                "inventoryType": "Site",
                "impressions": 4315,
                "reach": 322,
                "videoPercentage": 0,
                "displayPercentage": 100
                "id": 52986,
                "name": "",
                "publisher": "UNKNOWN",
                "appId": "INVENTORY",
                "inventoryType": "Site",
                "impressions": 516,
                "reach": 58,
                "videoPercentage": 4.651163,
                "displayPercentage": 87.596899
        "uniqueRecords": 3

Contextual Inventory

Get recommended keywords or autocompleted keywords with the following endpoints:

  • GET /api/v3/inv/contextual/recommend
  • GET /api/v3/inv/contextual/autosuggest

Query Parameters

Path Type Description
keyword string Suggestion or Recommendation will be made based on this keyword

Response 200

    "success": true,
    "data": [

Inventory Group Management

Update details or delete group inventories.

Create a New Inventory Group

Add a new inventory group based on the provided request body.

Request Body Schema: application/json

Property Type Description
groupName integer Desired name for group
groupTypeId integer Group type. Supported values:
Open Exchange: 1
PMP: 2
Contextual: 3
inventoryIds array of integers Inventory to include in group

Request Sample

    "groupName": "Inventory Group - Open exchange",
    "groupTypeId": 1,
    "inventoryIds": [

Response 200 Sample

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "groupTypeId": 1,
        "created": 1719836234,
        "modifiedDate": "2024-07-01T12:17:20.295+0000",
        "owId": 201427,
        "impressions": 2334725782,
        "isAccountLevelExcluded": false,
        "campaignWhitelistCount": 0,
        "campaignBlacklistCount": 0,
        "whiteListedCampaignIds": [],
        "blackListedCampaignIds": [],
        "publishers": 56,
        "sharedCount": 0,
        "uniques": 0,
        "reach": 154976228,
        "inventories": 0,
        "deals": 0,
        "contextualInventories": 0,
        "count": 2,
        "id": 174594,
        "name": "Inventory Group - Open exchange",
        "isShared": false

Add or Remove Mappings to an Inventory Group

Add or Remove inventories (Open Exchange, Private Deals, Contextual) to a group or multiple groups with the following endpoints:

  • POST /api/v3/inv/group/addMappings
  • POST /api/v3/inv/group/removeMappings

Request Body Schema: application/json

Inventories can be added/removed by filtering for results, inputting dealIds, contextual details, or inentoryIds.

Add/Remove by filter:

Property Type Description
groupIds array of integers Group IDs to add mappings to
keywords array of strings Filters by keyword
countries array of integers Filters by country
categories array of strings Filter by category
inventoryTypes array of integers Filter by inventory type
creativeSizes array of strings Filter by creative size
creativeTypes array of integers Filter by creative types
trafficTypes array of integers Filter by traffic types
deviceTypes array of integers Filter by device types
videoPlayerSizes array of integers Filter by video player sizes
isAllInventories boolean

Add/Remove by Deal ID:

Property Type Description
groupIds array of integers Group IDs to add mappings to
dealIds array of integers Deal IDs to add to group

Add/Remove by Contextual Inventories:

Property Type Description
groupIds array of integers Group IDs to add mappings to
contextualKeywords array of strings Names of Contextual Inventories
contextualUrls array of strings URLs of Contextual Inventories

Add/Remove by Inventory ID:

Property Type Description
groupIds array of integers Group IDs to add mappings to
inventoryIds array of integers Inventory IDs to add to group

Response 200 Sample

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "groupTypeId": 1,
            "created": 1719983099,
            "modifiedDate": "2024-07-03T07:35:45.800+0000",
            "owId": 202017,
            "impressions": 7927783118,
            "isAccountLevelExcluded": false,
            "whiteListedCampaignIds": null,
            "blackListedCampaignIds": null,
            "publishers": 59,
            "sharedCount": 1,
            "uniques": 0,
            "reach": 558137549,
            "inventories": 0,
            "deals": 0,
            "contextualInventories": 0,
            "count": 2,
            "id": 176130,
            "name": "Open Exchange Inventories Group",
            "isShared": true

Add or Remove Customers From a Shared Inventory Group

Add or remove customers from an inventory group by group ID with the following endpoint:

  • PATCH /api/v3/inv/group/{groupId}/shared/customers/edit

Path Parameters

Path Type Description
groupId integer [required] Group ID

Request Body Schema: application/json

Property Type Description
addOwIds array of integers Organization Worskpace IDs to add to Inventory Group
removeOwIds array of integers Organization Workspace IDs to remove from Inventory Group

Request Sample

    "addOWIds": [
    "removeOWIds": [

Response 200 Sample

    "success": true,
    "data": "Your changes have been successfully saved."

Edit Inventory Group

Edit an inventory group with the following endpoint:

  • PATCH /api/v3/inv/groups/{groupId}

Path Parameters

Path Type Description
groupId integer [required] Group ID

Request Body Schema: application/json

Property Type Description
groupName string Name of group

Request Sample

    "groupName": "Open exchange Group - updated"

Response 200 Sample

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "groupTypeId": null,
        "created": null,
        "modifiedDate": null,
        "owId": 0,
        "impressions": 0,
        "isAccountLevelExcluded": null,
        "campaignWhitelistCount": 0,
        "campaignBlacklistCount": 0,
        "whiteListedCampaignIds": null,
        "blackListedCampaignIds": null,
        "publishers": 0,
        "sharedCount": 0,
        "uniques": 0,
        "reach": 0,
        "inventories": 0,
        "deals": 0,
        "contextualInventories": 0,
        "count": 0,
        "id": 176168,
        "name": "Open exchange Group - updated",
        "isShared": false
More Responses

Response 403

    "success": false,
    "errorObjects": [
        "error": "Forbidden!"

Response 422

    "success": false,
    "errorObjects": [
            "error": "Inventory group name can not have more than 255 characters.",
            "field": "groupName"

Response 500

    "success": false,
    "errorObjects": [
            "error": "server encountered an error !"

Delete Inventory Group

Delete an existing inventory group with the following endpoint:

  • DELETE /api/v3/inv/groups/{groupId}

Path Parameters

Path Type Description
groupId integer [required] Group ID

Response 200 Sample

    "success": true,
    "data": "Inventory group deleted successfully."

Private Marketplace (PMP) Deals Details

Private Marketplace Deals are a type of programmatic advertising arrangement that allows advertisers to purchase ad inventory through a private, invitation-only auction. This section will cover common methods and endponts associated with PMP deals.

Get PMP Deals List

Get a list of PMP deals based on desired filters available for user with the following endpoint:

  • POST /api/v3/pmp/deals/list

Request Body Schema: application/json

Property Type Description
groupId integer Filters PMP Deals by Group ID
active boolean Filters for active (=true) or inactive (=false) deals
searchKeywords array of strings Strings used to search by dealId, dealName, or description
creativeTypes array of integers Creative type IDs
exchanges array of integers Exchanges IDs
ids array of integers PMP Deal IDs
dealStatuses array of strings Deal statuses, allowed values: inUse, unUsed, and inActive
owIds array of integers Organization Workspace IDs
pageNo integer Pages of retrieved details desired, default: 1
noOfEntries integer Maximum number of deals to retrieve, default: 50
sortBy string Ascending= +dealId, descending= -dealId

Request Sample

    "groupId": 1,
    "active": true,
    "searchKeywords": [
    "creativeTypes": [
    "exchanges": [
    "ids": [
    "dealStatuses": [
    "sortBy": "-dealId",
    "noOfEntries": 2,
    "pageNo": 1

Response 200 Sample

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "filteredRecords": 1,
        "filteredList": [
                "id": 115,
                "dealId": "1476907757380667148",
                "dealName": "85%+ Completion",
                "description": "85%+ Completion",
                "cpm": 20,
                "dealCurationTypeId": 1,
                "creativeTypes": [
                "exchanges": [
                "active": true,
                "shared": false,
                "created": 1597658148,
                "assignedToCustomers": [
                "assignedToCampaigns": [
More Responses Response 422
    "success": false,
    "errorObjects": [
            "error": "Invalid sortBy value."

Response 500

    "success": false,
    "errorObjects": [
            "error": "server encountered an error !"

Get More PMP Details

Get more PMP details with the following endpoints:

Method/Endpoint Path Description
GET /api/v3/inv/pmp/deals /{id} Get PMP Deal details by ID
/{dealId}/associated-customers Gets list of customers associated with campaigns for a PMP Deal
/count-by-status Gets count of PMP deals for all statuses, supports query parameter searchKeywords
GET /api/v3/inv/static /deal-types Gets list of deal types
/deal-status Gets list of deal statuses

Path Parameters (where applicable)

Path Type Description
id integer PMP Deal ID
dealId integer PMP Deal ID

Response Sample 200 (count by status)

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "All": 351,
        "inActive": 48,
        "inUse": 266,
        "unUsed": 37
More Responses

Response 403

    "success": false,
    "errorObjects": [
            "error": "User is not super-user!"

Response 500

    "success": false,
    "errorObjects": [
            "error": "server encountered an error !"

PMP Management

Create, update, or delete PMP Deals using the methods and endpoints outlined in this section.

Resource Properties

Create or update PMP Deals using the following properties in the Request Body Schema.

Property Type Description
dealId string PMP Deal ID
dealName string PMP Deal name
description string PMP Deal description
cpm integer PMP deal Cost Per Mille (CPM) value
dealCurationTypeId integer Curation type ID
creativeTypes array of integers Creative type IDs
exchangeId integer Exchange associated with PMP Deal
assignToCustomers array of integers Customer Organization Workspace IDs
active boolean Deal status, active= true, inactive= false

Create PMP Deal

Create a new PMP Deal using the above resource properties as the request schema

Request Sample

    "dealId": "DIewkFZALX1taoLjQg6Gge1dD6YvZYO4RChUKmOLk",
    "dealName": "Deal test123",
    "description": "test deal description",
    "cpm": 10,
    "creativeTypes": [
    "exchangeId": 39,
    "active": true

Response 200

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "id": 461,
        "message": "Deal test123 created successfully"
More Responses

Response 400

    "success": false,
    "errorObjects": [
            "error": "Deal id can not be longer than 500 characters",
            "field": "dealId"

Response 422

    "success": false,
    "errorObjects": [
            "error": "Invalid exchange id/ids provided"

Response 500

    "success": false,
    "errorObjects": [
            "error": "server encountered an error !"

Update PMP Deal

Update any resource property of an existing PMP Deal with its ID with the following endpoint:

  • PATCH /api/v3/inv/pmp/deals/{id}

Path Parameters

Path Type Description
id integer PMP Deal ID

Request Sample

    "dealName": "New Deal Name"

Response 200

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "id": 461,
        "message": "New Deal Name updated successfully"

Delete PMP Deal

Delete an existing PMP Deal with the following endpoint:

  • DELETE /api/v3/inv/pmp/deals

Query Parameters

Path Type Description
ids list of integers [required] PMP Deal IDs to delete

Response 200 Sample

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "id": [
        "message": "Deal/s deleted successfully"

Programmatic Guarantee (PG) Deals Details

A Programmatic Guarantee Deal is a direct negotiation between one publisher and one advertiser offering budget predictability and avoiding auction volatility by ensuring a fixed amount of ad inventory at a pre-negotiated price. This section will cover common methods and endpoints associated with PG Deals.

Get PG Deals List

Get a list of PG deals available for user with the following endpoint:

  • GET /api/v3/inv/pg/deals/list

Query Parameters

Property Type Description
searchField string Search results by keyword
noOfEntries integer Maximum number of deals to retrieve, default: 20
pageNo integer Pages of retrieved details desired, default: 1
sortBy string Sort results by ascending (+) or descending (-), supported values: id, dealName, cmp
Default: -id
ids array of integers IDs of the primary key of PG Deals
paymentTypeIds array of integers Payment type IDs
statusIds array of integers Status IDs
exchangeIds array of integers Exchange IDs

Response 200 Sample

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "totalRecords": 61,
        "filteredRecords": 4,
        "pgDealData": [
                "id": 873,
                "dealId": "PM-RTY-98765",
                "dealName": "Demo Deal D4",
                "statusId": 1,
                "description": "Demo deal description D4",
                "paymentTypeId": 2,
                "exchangeId": 11,
                "created": 1719723041347,
                "activeCampaignIds": [],
                "otherCampaignIds": [
                "deleteAllowed": true
                "id": 872,
                "dealId": "PM-QWE-54321",
                "dealName": "Sample Deal C3",
                "statusId": 1,
                "description": "Sample deal description C3",
                "paymentTypeId": 2,
                "exchangeId": 78,
                "created": 1719722247192,
                "activeCampaignIds": [
                "otherCampaignIds": [
                "deleteAllowed": false
More Responses

Response 401

    "success": false,
    "errorObjects": [
            "error": "Unauthorized"

Response 422

    "success": false,
    "errorObjects": [
            "error": "Invalid sortBy value."

Response 500

    "success": false,
    "errorObjects": [
            "error": "server encountered an error !"

Get More PG Deals Details

Get PG Deal details by specified ID including its associated campaign IDs with the following endpoint:

  • GET /api/v3/inv/pg/deals/{id}

Path Parameters

Path Type Description
id integer PG Deal ID

Response 200 Sample

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "id": 872,
        "dealId": "PM-QWE-54321",
        "dealName": "Sample Deal C3",
        "statusId": 1,
        "description": "Sample deal description C3",
        "paymentTypeId": 2,
        "exchangeId": 78,
        "created": 1719722247192,
        "activeCampaignIds": [
        "otherCampaignIds": [

PG Management

Create, update, or delete PG Deals using the methods and endpoints outlined in this section.

Resource Properties

Create or update PG Deals using the following properties in the Request Body Schema.

Property Type Description
dealId string PG Deal ID
dealName string PG Deal name
exchangeId integer Exchange ID associated with PG Deal
cpm integer Cost Per Mille (CPM) value
statusId integer Status ID of PG Deal
description string Description or notes about the deal
paymentTypeId integer Payment type ID of PG Deal

Create PG Deal

Create a new PG Deal with the following endpoint:

  • POST /api/v3/inv/pg/deals/add

Request Body Schema: application/json

Refer to PG Deal resource properties above for schema.

Request Sample

    "dealId": "YT-Test-1234",
    "dealName": "Test deal YT31",
    "exchangeId": 11,
    "statusId": 2,
    "paymentTypeId": 1,
    "description": "Test Deal"

Response 200 Sample

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "message": "Deal Test deal YT31 created successfully",
        "id": 2

Update PG Deal Details

Update specific details of a PG Deal with the following endpoint:

  • PATCH /api/v3/inv/pg/deals/{id}

Path Parameters

Path Type Description
id integer [required] PG Deal ID

Request Body Schema: application/json

Refer to PG Deal resource properties above for schema.

Request Sample

    "dealId": "PM-ABC-12345",
    "dealName": "Premium Advertising Package",
    "statusId": 2,
    "description": "Comprehensive advertising package including display, video, and social media placements for maximum exposure.",
    "cpm": 40,
    "paymentTypeId": 2,
    "exchangeId": 11

Response 200 Sample

    "success": true,
    "data": "PG deal updated successfully"

Delete PG Deal

Delete an existing PG Deal with the following endpoint:

  • DELETE /api/v3/inv/pg/deals

Query Parameters

Path Type Description
ids list of integers [required] Pg Deal IDs to delete

Response 200 Sample

    "success": true,
    "data": "PG Deal deleted successfully"