This project was done as a project for a University subject "Script languages". The task was to create a web app that is something like a web shop. The idea was to create it for Serbian marketplace so the names are in Serbian. This is a flower shop with 2 sides - admin and a user side. Created admin and users can be seen in this file.
- auth_servis: this service is responsible for the authentication.
- api_servis: this service acts as a backend that communicates with the database. The documentation for the endpoints can be found in docs.
- app_servis: this is the frontend which serves both the user and admin app.
First, start the MySQLDatabase and Apache Web Server on your computer (this can be done through XAMPP).
Secondly, deploy the database as seen in Deploying the database. From the api_servis
, app_servis
, and auth_servis
folders run:
npm install
node app
The user app: http://localhost:8000/user The admin app: http://localhost:8000/admin
API endpoints are defined in the:
Directory | Documentation |
Cvet | Cvet API Endpoints |
Kategorija | Kategorija API Endpoints |
Narudzbina | Narudzbina API Endpoints |
Proizvod | Proizvod API Endpoints |
Database schema can be seen in database.sql
From the api_servis run
sequelize db:migrate
sequelize db:seed:all
If you wish to delete the tables run
sequelize db:migrate:undo:all